Forums - CvS2: Q&A : read me first! Show all 245 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CvS2: Q&A : read me first! ( Posted by inkblot on 10:26:2001 12:08 AM: CvS2: Q&A : read me first! Welcome to the Capcom vs. SNK 2 Question and Answer thread! If you have a general, low level question about CvS2, this is the place to ask. Here are the rules. 1) Before posting a question, read the thread! No, you don't have to read every post (though you'll probably learn a lot if you do), but at least do a quick skim and search through the pages to see if your question has already been answered. 2) Basic and Intermediate info only please! If you have an advanced strategy or something really cool to share, please post it in a separate thread. That way the rest of the forum's users (who may not read Q&A) can appreciate it and shower you with the glory and praise that you deserve. Have Fun, Posted by Tenshi Heiwa on 10:26:2001 01:26 AM: Benimaru Does anyone know how to link into Benimaru's trip properly? Is there a rythym with jabs and shorts to follow? I really can't seem to get it right... I want to link into his Raikouken super after a good string of normals. EDIT: And I forgot to ask, which groove between C and N is better for a team of: Sakura (1) Benimaru (2) Kyo (1) Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:26:2001 01:37 AM: i haven't played too much beni but I know you just just do the simple x 2 - > fireball SA x 2 -> qcf k or hcb k is a pretty standard combo for him. I'm not sure if it's even possible to combo into his grab SA b/c of the distance needed. Posted by strider_hien on 10:26:2001 02:28 AM: Hey, what's a good groove for some charge-characters? And who are some good charge characters to use? I know about Guile and Blanka, but don't know how to use them as effectively. And who goes well with either Guile or Blanka? Thanks! Posted by 26 on 10:26:2001 03:03 AM: any thoughts on Ratio 4 Guile? i'm VERY comfortable with Nash from SFZ3 and Guile/Nash characters in general, and so i thought the best character i could play in CvS2 would be Guile. but is he strong enough to rock it all by himself, even at ratio 4? i'm worried about P and K-groove players, and i'm not sure who his counter characters are. parryies and JDs seem to be any thoughts would be welcome. Posted by Sho 2 on 10:26:2001 03:50 AM: I was wondering what groove is Haohmaru best in? I know many people have said that he is best as Ratio 4 in K Groove,I personally love K Groove but I see him better in P Groove. I just think I plain suck at this game, well all games. I have few more questions: 1. When Buk referred to Balrog(Japan) as more ST like in his Wall Dive Attack, what did he mean? Also, what is a Turtle Balrog like in general. 2. Why do people say Eagle's QCF+LP is a bad anti-air? 3. Can any charge character take advantage of Just Defend? 4. How should I practice at home, when by myself? I mean in training mode many people say to get familiar with your characters normals first. Then specials, supers, combos, and patterns. Patterns and certain special moves motion I have a bad time with, especially under pressure. I have read many articles on controlling space and footsies but I still don't generally get the idea of footsies and that little dance. For an example character, could please use Balrog(Spainard). That's it, I hope I'm not too much of a burden. Posted by RJR on 10:26:2001 03:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Hey, what's a good groove for some charge-characters? And who are some good charge characters to use? I know about Guile and Blanka, but don't know how to use them as effectively. And who goes well with either Guile or Blanka? Thanks! C, N and P grooves are all good groove for Blanka and Guile. P grv being extremely useful cos you will be charging most of the time and when then jump in, you just parry and hit punch of Blanka (Up + kick for Guile or punch works too). You can even parry then SUPER! Not very hard too. But you must be moderately good in parry. As for C and N groove, not much need to be said. C grv has all the super you can abuse and N grv you can charge down and pressure them. Both characters work well with just free hands. You don't need to try to pull off special and super all the time. They are effective enough. Since you are using charge characters, I would say that Balrog(Claw), Bison (Psycho Crusher), Honda and even Vega (Boxer) may compliment your team. Watch out for Cammy when you are using Guile and Blanka. She could counter almost anything they do! I'm SERIOUS! Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:26:2001 04:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Hey, what's a good groove for some charge-characters? And who are some good charge characters to use? I know about Guile and Blanka, but don't know how to use them as effectively. And who goes well with either Guile or Blanka? Thanks! C and P are the best for zone/defense chars, SNK grooves have time limits on them so it kinda sucks for charge chars when the groove runs out. Its not bad for N groove b/c you can MAX mode whenever you want and if you get on the offensive side of the battle/have enough time to go into max mode and do a SA (you roll through a SA : P). Posted by FatalFuryD on 10:26:2001 04:05 PM: Sho 2: I play turtle Vega/Balrog(claw). It's frustrating to face a turtle balrog because most likely he'll run away all day. And if you use the wall dive to run away it charges up meter. Also turtle vega would probably use back roll a lot. Vega footsie IMO sucks but basically he pokes a lot and his kicks are likely to be two of the hop kicks(the one he thrusts forward and the one he brings his leg up and down, both have proriety over low attacks I think) and the slide. After slide follow up with charge d/b,f + kick move to catch people off guard. The "Dance" is basically moving very slowly forward and being ready to block most of stuff your foe throws at you, frustrating him. Or, you move back and forth fast, it sorta confuses your opponent because they won't know what you're going to do. Both needs you to have real good reflexes(duh). Something that works well with shotos and guile, but not really with vega imo. As for training, I just repeatedly practice pulling moves. Like say with Blanka I just do the wp rolling for like 20 times and then mp rolling, then hp rolling. It helps you to know the timing. Posted by Dr. Shinobi on 10:26:2001 05:34 PM: Does anybody play King? I've got her strategies down really well, and she would be my best character, but I can't come up with a reliable B&B combo. Currently I do c.forward, qcb.P(forget which; I think Fierce), corner dp.roundhouse, which works OK, but it's hard to do on reaction (blocked Mirage Kick is very, very no). Is there a link for the c.forward? There's always competition at the arcade, so I can't try this on the AI or anything. Team Muay Thai (King, R2 Joe, Sagat) owns, BTW Posted by CamelJockey on 10:26:2001 06:14 PM: I tend to agree Posted by noswad on 10:26:2001 07:35 PM: A little training mode tidbit.. the record option is GOLD. Can't figure out a way around a certain series of attacks? Make the dummy do them forever, you should be able to come up with something. Can't figure out how to stop a certain move? Again, you can make the dummy do it so you can figure out some counters. Want to practice you parries/JD? go nuts. For example, because of this I now know a lot about Blanka's lvl3 superball vs AKen. Upclose it's a "freeze" attack.. if you weren't blocking, you're getting hit. Anywhere after that up to half screen it's got crazy priority.. super-deep DPs on reaction will get beat clean. Further away however, it's DP/whatever bait (s.fierce even ). BUT! when you're closer than half screen (but not in "freeze" range) you can roll on reaction and avoid it. -or- CC on reaction and juggle. I learned all this in a few minutes by simply having blanka do the super over and over. You can learn how shit works, and be better prepared. Posted by Dangerous J on 10:26:2001 08:31 PM: How do you combo into Kim's qcb+k. What is the sequence for Hibiki's deadly Rave(the ingame list only shows p or k . I can only get the first 2 or so hits, then it stops. How do you launch a character wi th Kyosuke to begin the air combo? Thanx Posted by GalzPanic on 10:26:2001 10:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dangerous J How do you combo into Kim's qcb+k. What is the sequence for Hibiki's deadly Rave(the ingame list only shows p or k . I can only get the first 2 or so hits, then it stops. How do you launch a character wi th Kyosuke to begin the air combo? Thanx The 8 hit rave is real easy, just do the moves quickly in sequence. As for the 10 hits, when you hit jab for the second time, you have to wait about a second because it's the slow, back turned scabbard poke. After that hits just do the rest in sequence. The timing for this move is really forgiving once you learn the slow hit. Posted by Mummy-B on 10:26:2001 10:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Hey, what's a good groove for some charge-characters? And who are some good charge characters to use? I know about Guile and Blanka, but don't know how to use them as effectively. And who goes well with either Guile or Blanka? Thanks! Well, you want to definately stay away from P Groove. I'm sure you figured that one out. K Groove is a viable option, since you can charge while you're Just Defending, but I don't think this is ideal for a charge character because when the Ikari Meter is MAX, you tend to want to be really really aggressive - which charge characters can do (we all know Guile can at least) but I think placing a time limit on a Super and "forcing" aggression severly limits a character, especially a charge one. S Groove is okay. You can get away with this. There are alot of cool things you can do with Dodge (like, charge, Dodge a move, do charge move). The S Groove meter isn't so bad either - and sometimes with Critical Life and a MAX meter, you can do some sick combos. Also note that S Groove has the most Super damage. A Groove is pretty cool. But you have to have down a damaging and relatively setup-able Original Combo to make it really worthwhile. Having a high-priority Level 1 super helps out sometimes too, like Blanka's ridiculous Electric Ball super. So... I think your best bets would have to be C or N Groove. N Groove I think would have to get the benefit, because I don't think alot of the charge characters have really worthwhile super cancels, but then that's just one thing in C Groove - C Groove also has the fastest building meter as well, so that's something good. N Groove naturally has the most options, and while activating a Stock puts a time limit on a Level 3 super, it gives you attack/defense bonus which is always nice. Both of these Grooves are very, very solid for charge characters. EDIT: As far as pairing characters with Guile and Blanka, I think someone who also zones well and is a really good character overall in most situations, like Sagat, would be a good choice. It stays relatively consistent, and having a well-balanced character like Sagat on your team will help to compensate for so-called "bad matchups." Posted by Amdabes on 10:26:2001 10:54 PM: OK, I suck at this game and I just started playing it today. What's a good team that I should start out with? And I really dont understand the grooves, which one should I use? Posted by God of Death on 10:26:2001 11:19 PM: Can so9meone please give me some tatics fro Ryu in this game thanks. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:27:2001 12:54 AM: i cant seem to find any links for mai can one of ya'll post some please and if u want u can post combos too =P if u dont understand the grooves go to the main page and look under game data and then click on cvs2 they should explain all the grooves there Posted by strider_hien on 10:27:2001 01:08 AM: Thank you RJR, Gouki-worshipper and Mummy-b for the help!! Now that i have a basic idea of who to use, and what groove, can you guys give me some tips on how to use Blanka and Guile? I mainly turtle with them, and i even suck at that, LOL. Bit of help might be nice. What are some good pokes with guile/blanka and Sagat? What are some good combos with Sagat? Posted by HawaiianRyan66 on 10:27:2001 05:10 AM: Wassup everybody! I'm a hardcore MvC2 player who's having trouble with the CvS2 combo system. I'm not sure if I am doing the motions too fast or too slow, but many times they won't come out. Any tips on this. (Eg. Maybe someone could explain if the combos are as fast or slower than MvC2)I also was just wondering if anybody could give me some tips on my team. P Groove Kyosuke(1) Terry(1) Ryu(2). I can basically get strats on Ryu any time. What I wanted to know is if anyone knew some combos for Kyosuke and Terry? I have a lot of combos that involve supers, now I'm trying to learn combos that don't involve supers. Maybe someone could give me combos like the Kyosuke air combo or some other B&B combos. Thanks a lot everyone. Posted by HawaiianRyan66 on 10:27:2001 05:15 AM: One more question, When parrying something in the air for example a Shoryuken, do you tap forward or down? Posted by oni.M on 10:27:2001 06:41 AM: when in the air, parrying is done by tapping forward get into the habit of tapping forward in the areas where ur opponent usually AAs *e.g. DPs, c.HP, s.HP, s.HK * whatever.. most characters are diff cept mbe the shotos. only way to be able 2 predict jump in parry-able situations is lots of experience playin the opponent.. or luck whatever u want to believe. o, P groove rox for charge characters by the way. u can pretty much block with no consequence because u are blocking and charging.. just tap forward and whatever button (usually P) whenever someone gets close, or is about to hit and u get a usually successful counter. unless they are going through a combo of some sort den jus b careful. hell u can even parry into supers. much easier than if ur supers required QCB/QCF/HCB/360 motions. iono.. k groove jus doesn't do it for me. =| sure JD gives u life and free level 3 supers.. but iono.. -_- something feels off about tapping backwards instead of forwards.. and no i'm not a 3s veteran either. -_-.. oh well personal preference peace. Posted by Pogiii on 10:27:2001 11:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dr. Shinobi Does anybody play King? I've got her strategies down really well, and she would be my best character, but I can't come up with a reliable B&B combo. Currently I do c.forward, qcb.P(forget which; I think Fierce), corner dp.roundhouse, which works OK, but it's hard to do on reaction (blocked Mirage Kick is very, very no). Is there a link for the c.forward? There's always competition at the arcade, so I can't try this on the AI or anything. Team Muay Thai (King, R2 Joe, Sagat) owns, BTW king imo was weakend compared to the 1st game but still she rocks doing venom and double strikes from time to time helps a lot i also use that combo but lately ive been just chipping away.. poking, and chipping is what i do with her now i love her j lk and her c.rk...trap shot and the kicking move is comboable which i also use btw surprise rose is safe against some charactersand i dont think c forward can be linked into u should be glad u have competition there, we dont even have it in the arcades yet so we settle for console tournies lol Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 10:27:2001 04:31 PM: I was reading through some combo's about CvS2 and some things just don't look familiar to me. ex.1 Opponent jumps in, activate, d/f+HP -> QCB+HK, c.HP -> QCB+HP, c.HP -> QCB+HP, c.HP -> d,u+HP, QCF,QCF+K (2 hits), CD,u+HP (or late DP+HK) This is custom combo for terry but near the end it goes "CD,u+HP" What does the "CD" mean? ex.2 activate, f+HKxn to corner, c.HK -> QCF,QCF+LK (mash) On this cc what does "f+HKxn" mean? I know that f+HK is foward+ Hardkick but what does the "xn" mean? Posted by noswad on 10:27:2001 05:05 PM: CD is "charge down".. it's for the rising tackle at the end of the CC. xn is like "x2" (2 times) but the "n" is a variable.. Just keep on doing it however many times you want. Posted by Gameguy on 10:27:2001 06:53 PM: Does anyone know how to link Rock's into his Hard edge? I'm not sure if you are suppose to execute Hard edge instantly after or if you are suppose to wait. Also can Rock counter supers and can he counter multi-hitting specials (e.g. Honda's hundred slap and Chun-Li's spinning bird kick)? And can someone give me some strategies on using his teleport? Posted by master ken on 10:27:2001 08:05 PM: I know that I have to play and have experience to know what is best for me, but the probleme is that I don't play that much and I don't have time to practice every character and every groove, but hey, I have to ask you this, people : Which grooves do you think are the best for my two teams : 1) team shoto with Ken r2 2) r1 cammy, r1 Iory, r2 Ken Should I swith the ratios ? The reason why I choose r2 Ken is because Ken is my favourite character and I play better whith him then the other charaters. Posted by TiamatRoar on 10:27:2001 08:23 PM: Are Chang and Choi any good? Posted by Super n00bie on 10:27:2001 10:03 PM: I'm looking for Ryo's best groove. I think it's N-Groove because all the mobility compensates for his lack of speed. What do you all think his best groove is? Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 10:27:2001 10:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad CD is "charge down".. it's for the rising tackle at the end of the CC. xn is like "x2" (2 times) but the "n" is a variable.. Just keep on doing it however many times you want. ROFL man I'm stupid. Posted by Rave X on 10:27:2001 10:45 PM: are there any differences from the japanese CVS2 and the american one? if so, what are the differences? i know they translated it but what other stuff are different Posted by Buktooth88 on 10:27:2001 11:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gameguy Does anyone know how to link Rock's into his Hard edge? I'm not sure if you are suppose to execute Hard edge instantly after or if you are suppose to wait. Also can Rock counter supers and can he counter multi-hitting specials (e.g. Honda's hundred slap and Chun-Li's spinning bird kick)? And can someone give me some strategies on using his teleport? The hard edge will only combo when the low forward is done fairly close to your opponent. At the max range of the low forward, it's pretty much impossible to combo the elbow IIRC. Rock can't counter supers, but specials are okay. Rage Run-Dunk is pretty much worthless against anyone who's seen the move. Shift is only used to setup the command grab, but if you buffer the shift off of a low forward, you'll simply get a rage run-save. A simple trick for using the shift is to run and do low forward into reppuken a few times (a solid strat for Rock anyway), then once your opponent has come to expect another low forward XX reppuken, cancel your run into a shift XX grab. Obviously, this trick only works for SNK grooves. Posted by Buktooth88 on 10:27:2001 11:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by master ken I know that I have to play and have experience to know what is best for me, but the probleme is that I don't play that much and I don't have time to practice every character and every groove, but hey, I have to ask you this, people : Which grooves do you think are the best for my two teams : 1) team shoto with Ken r2 2) r1 cammy, r1 Iory, r2 Ken Should I swith the ratios ? The reason why I choose r2 Ken is because Ken is my favourite character and I play better whith him then the other charaters. For team #1, either C,A or N works good. They all have good super cancel combos for C, good customs (ken and Akuma especially) for A, and N works decently for nearly every character. For team #2, I'd say N. Iori and Ken have great CC's, but Cammy doesn't. Both Cammy and Iori benefit a lot from running and low jumps, and Iori has probably the best roll in the game. Posted by Servebot on 10:28:2001 02:50 AM: I have a quick question is Benimaru and Balrog good compared to the other characters. Other then that what new characters would you recommend cause the game just came out in my local arcade and I only rely on the old CvS1 characters. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:28:2001 03:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 For team #1, either C,A or N works good. They all have good super cancel combos for C, good customs (ken and Akuma especially) for A, and N works decently for nearly every character. For team #2, I'd say N. Iori and Ken have great CC's, but Cammy doesn't. Both Cammy and Iori benefit a lot from running and low jumps, and Iori has probably the best roll in the game. correction: cammy has a great CC. go to and DL all the combo vids. Cammy has a great, EASY, CC that does good dmg. I don't use A groove at all so I never put the time into learning it, though I would if I started using it. Posted by Ryu1999 on 10:28:2001 04:11 AM: ok, 2 points: first my team(s): C/N- terry/sagat/ryu-2 even though you'd THINK my best character'd be ryu, terry is probably my most effective character. however, i'm unwilling to put him as r2 since i play rather recklessly with terry and i'm not willing to put one of my "opener" characters at r2. (plus, ryu must be at r2 to even compete, at least in my opinion). however, most people seem to like sagat at r2, so i can't decide. the deciding factor is that sagat seems to be the weakest link as i try to play him too much like a shoto and don't seem to grasp the concept of abusing his normals. finally: ryu....what the crap am i supposed to do with him...the one time i actually landed a shin-sho, it did piddly damage (i think our arcade is set on low damage though since other level 3s did even less). i also forget that his godly medium attacks are back in...damn tekken, cvs, and mvc2 with their 4-button systems... anyways, question is: what order and ratio settings should i use? (any comments on team chemistry would be appreciated too) second point: which characters should i use (out of my team) against the following bitch characters: blanka, sagat, and yamazaki blanka and sagat are all too familiar since everybody plays this team, but it doesn't help me much that i don't get any practical experience to develop tactics since its 30 minutes between games (if you lose) at my arcade. yamazaki: i dunno, the snake arms's buffing has made it even more of a bitch to roll against, and my opponent loves command grabbing me if manage to roll through. is upward snake-arm that prioritized? Posted by oni.M on 10:28:2001 07:06 AM: quote: yamazaki: i dunno, the snake arms's buffing has made it even more of a bitch to roll against, and my opponent loves command grabbing me if manage to roll through. is upward snake-arm that prioritized? stop rolling then not really any situation a well timed DP can't get you out of against yamazaki. upward snake arm has same priority as the rest of the snake arms. which is medium/medium high at best? you can test with ur characters which normals they have that will trade or snuff the snake arms. Altho i fail to see why u are having so much trouble against yama, since you're using sagat/ryu jus fireball his ass into the corner and if he whips you predictably DP him home if he rolls through, DP, the guy has damn long limbs and usually a DP will catch'm ne ways Posted by Super n00bie on 10:28:2001 02:16 PM: Is N-Groove the best groove to be using for this team?: Ryo(R1) / Joe(R1) / Yuri(R2) And BTW, Does it look like an effective team? Posted by God of Death on 10:28:2001 02:26 PM: Please someone give me some Ryu and Terry strategy!!!! I beg of you!! Posted by Mummy-B on 10:28:2001 02:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by God of Death Please someone give me some Ryu and Terry strategy!!!! I beg of you!! I'll hit Terry. Give me until after dinner. Posted by noswad on 10:28:2001 03:26 PM: Ok.. color me stupid, but why does is say "bilingual"? There's the english announcer and the english graphics and stuff, but most all the of text is Japanese. Is there a version without this? or does the US version say it as well? Posted by master ken on 10:28:2001 03:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 For team #1, either C,A or N works good. They all have good super cancel combos for C, good customs (ken and Akuma especially) for A, and N works decently for nearly every character. For team #2, I'd say N. Iori and Ken have great CC's, but Cammy doesn't. Both Cammy and Iori benefit a lot from running and low jumps, and Iori has probably the best roll in the game. Thanks, but I just want to know some good reasons for choosing N groove because, as you know, the Super System is a little bit complex, you have to choose the right moment to burn a ball. Posted by Ryu1999 on 10:28:2001 06:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by oni.M stop rolling then not really any situation a well timed DP can't get you out of against yamazaki. if he rolls through, DP, the guy has damn long limbs and usually a DP will catch'm ne ways i fear for my life when using dp. i never know if it'll get stuffed. which it does more often than not, so i end up using it less and less, except for against level 1 supers Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:28:2001 11:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Is N-Groove the best groove to be using for this team?: Ryo(R1) / Joe(R1) / Yuri(R2) And BTW, Does it look like an effective team? Hrm...Ryo is slow but ok still. His DP has good priority for a DP in this game, but I haven't seen him used too well. Joe is great. My friend with an r2+ Joe scares me, his lvl 3 SA does amazing dmg and his DP+K has SICK SICK SICK priority (Me and my friend even tested this, doing that against DPs and SAs it stuffed more than expected, abuse this move as a counter/punish move). I would make him your r2. Yuri...uh..I used her a lot in CVS1 but I wasn't too impressed with her in this one. I'd make her an r1 and keep the hop fb trap goin to meter for Joe and lay waste to your opponents weak r1's. Just my thoughts. Posted by strider86 on 10:29:2001 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Hey, what's a good groove for some charge-characters? And who are some good charge characters to use? I know about Guile and Blanka, but don't know how to use them as effectively. And who goes well with either Guile or Blanka? Thanks! hey C-groove would be best for these guys, as for another character how bout bison. Posted by Super n00bie on 10:29:2001 03:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper Hrm...Ryo is slow but ok still. His DP has good priority for a DP in this game, but I haven't seen him used too well. Joe is great. My friend with an r2+ Joe scares me, his lvl 3 SA does amazing dmg and his DP+K has SICK SICK SICK priority (Me and my friend even tested this, doing that against DPs and SAs it stuffed more than expected, abuse this move as a counter/punish move). I would make him your r2. Yuri...uh..I used her a lot in CVS1 but I wasn't too impressed with her in this one. I'd make her an r1 and keep the hop fb trap goin to meter for Joe and lay waste to your opponents weak r1's. Just my thoughts. Hmmm... It seems as though my team doesn't look too powerful. I'll keep Ryo and Joe. But I guess I'll drop Yuri. You'd think that I would drop Ryo and NOT Yuri... ...But after seeing my Ryo in action - You'd agree w/ my choice. So, It'll be Ryo (R1) / Joe (R2) / ?(R?) - N-Groove. ...I need someone with great speed that works amazingly in N-Groove. Any ideas?? Posted by UnCauzi on 10:29:2001 04:29 AM: Okay here we go why not characters I like, how do you think I should format a team with these, I'll list them with my current skill (how well I do locally) with said character: Geese Yamazaki Haohmaru Chang Rolento Damn that's about it, currently I just use C groove, with a dabble in K groove. Any other specific grooves I should try for any particular reasons? Posted by redwiz on 10:29:2001 05:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Hmmm... It seems as though my team doesn't look too powerful. I'll keep Ryo and Joe. But I guess I'll drop Yuri. You'd think that I would drop Ryo and NOT Yuri... ...But after seeing my Ryo in action - You'd agree w/ my choice. So, It'll be Ryo (R1) / Joe (R2) / ?(R?) - N-Groove. ...I need someone with great speed that works amazingly in N-Groove. Any ideas?? What's wrong with using R1 Yuri? IMO, that would be a pretty good team. Posted by Mr. E on 10:29:2001 05:25 AM: argh, so much to say. from here on out, I'll refer to the boss characters by their japanese names (Vega=Psycho Crusher, Balrog=claw dude, Mike Bison=Boxer). about Balrog. He's very different from old ST and HF Balrog. His cr.strong ain't as fast/annoying as it used to be and is a lot easier to get around. Instead, the SNK grooves (because of small jumps) really compliment his speed and range well. Small jump roundhouse is a brutal poke, and his standing/crouching claws are still very annoying to get around. Wall jump has been buffed, and crosses up very well now. I play him very hit n'run style, with lots of small jumps, crouching strongs/fierces, and wall jumps. He runs away very effectively too. Haohmaru in k groove is sick. His normals lend him to being played defensively, and k groove just makes turtling better. A raged Haoh is scary, especially when you consider a 30% damage boost to standing fierce. If he gets raged and you run away, he still has a lot of guard break -> fierce options. I don't play him much, but he's very pokey. c.jabx5, standing strong is very hard to avoid once you're caught in it. If you get stuck in Yamazaki serpent slash hell as a shoto, remember that serpent slashes count as limbs and you can dp limbs. Just work on getting the timing right, and learn to dp on reaction to his limbs coming out, not him posing. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:29:2001 05:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by redwiz What's wrong with using R1 Yuri? IMO, that would be a pretty good team. yeah, r1 yuri is great. what I said is that she isn't good at higher ratios. she doesn't get a big bonus and her supers aren't all that good so use her as a battery (make sure you use a CAP groove so you CAN battery...) Posted by Mummy-B on 10:29:2001 12:33 PM: Message to ALL those in this thread: If you ask for basic strats on a specific character, PLEASE specify what respective Groove (C,A,P,S,N, and/or K) you're using them in because it makes life MUCH eaiser for people to help you out. Thanks. quote: Originally posted by God of Death Please someone give me some Ryu and Terry strategy!!!! I beg of you!! Point in case. This is going to be very general since I don't know what Groove you're using... Terry is a VERY offensive character, despite what anyone will tell you. His strength lies in offensive strategy and massive pressure. His best normal has to be crouching fierce kick. The thing is ridiculous - it has essentially NO start up and stuffs so many things I can't even begin to list them. I think Terry and Yamazaki have the most annoying ass sweeps in the game. You should use this move ALOT for several reasons, but also because it creates a knockdown and changes momentum of the game. Getting a knockdown with Terry usually means you're about to inflict some serious pressure. His major weakness is a lack of reliable anti-air move, outside of P and K Groove (because there you can just Parry or Just Defend). Rising Tackle is a pretty solid wake-up move, but you should just stick to the lp version. Depending on the distance the opponent is jumping in, you can Crack Shoot, Rising Tackle, dash back and, or oc.fp where he does this Yuri-like crouching fierce punch that has anti-air properties (but this move only comes out when you're close to someone, like Terry's up-close two hitting stand fp). Power Wave is your basic ground projectile. I use it as a long range poke and to force block animations on wake up so I can apply pressure (this naturally has some difficulty against P and K Grooves). This usually sets me up to dash in and throw,, combo, Crack Shoot into a, whatever. Terry has like fifty thousand options to pressure with. Your goal with Terry should essentially revolve around creating consistent knockdowns so you can keep control of the pace of the game, and to work your opponent to the corner which allows a sickening pressure game that you can do. Sometimes, an opponent facing against a P Groove Terry can't get out of the corner the rest of the game, ESPECIALLY if they don't have a reliable DP/anti-air move, if you're good enough. I should put up a Terry strat that people can view and comment on and fix errors in, so you can refer to that in a day or two for more detailed stuff. Hope I helped out some! Good luck with Terry - he's alot of fun to play with and one my favorite characters. Posted by God of Death on 10:29:2001 02:54 PM: Does someone want to give me some tips on using Ryu in this game. No one has paid my questions any mind. PLEASE HELP ME I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay thanks Posted by Buktooth88 on 10:29:2001 04:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by master ken Thanks, but I just want to know some good reasons for choosing N groove because, as you know, the Super System is a little bit complex, you have to choose the right moment to burn a ball. Basically, break a stock right when you have two. There are only a few very specific reasons to save em until you have three: 1)Your character can alpha counter into a lv3 (Raiden) 2)You want to be able to counter roll into a lv3 (for instance, against Hibiki/Blanka) 3)Your character can combo a lv1 after a lv3 (Hibiki/Rock/Geese) So basically, break a stock when you have two. If you get an opportunity for a lv3, great. If not, you get a hefty damage bonus and will more likely than not control the tempo of the match. After your power up runs out, fight normally for about ten more seconds and you'll have another stock to break. If you're offensive enough, you can remain powered up with the threat of a lv3 for more than half of the round. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:29:2001 05:07 PM: if you break stock when you have 3 though it only uses one jtlyk Posted by Buktooth88 on 10:29:2001 06:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper if you break stock when you have 3 though it only uses one jtlyk Uhmmm... yeah. So? Posted by hyt on 10:29:2001 06:42 PM: Buktooth: I believe he's speaking in the context of KOF99-2K where you need 3 stocks to activate powerup mode (aka Armor/Counter mode) Posted by Mummy-B on 10:29:2001 09:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 Uhmmm... yeah. So? Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:29:2001 09:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88 Uhmmm... yeah. So? When you have 3 stocks and break it'll only break one. This will give you some other situatoins to break. Say you have a battery char on your team and your powerhouse rushdown char is coming up next. Would you rather break when you have two stocks and waste them on a good battery char with bad supers (Yuri) or just not break any stocks at all saving them for your next char OR would you rather wait till you have 3 stocks saved up and break one, giving you the opportunity to use one stock and the ability to use another if you do a SA while in power up mode. After your break a stock when you have 3 saved up only one breaks and you go into powerup mode. If you do a SA during powerup mode after this it will use another stock and do a lvl 3 SA. I just thought that this was interesting for those who are considering battery strats for their chars (I don't recommend using anyone as a battery at this point anyway). Posted by Super n00bie on 10:29:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper powerhouse rushdown char Powerhouse Rushdown Character = [The Overlooked] Joe Higashi? Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:29:2001 10:04 PM: I don't know about Joe being complete rushdown but yeah, I agree that he IS a powerhouse. He can zone pretty decently too... Cammy isn't a powerhouse (unfortunately...) but she is def good as rushdown. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:29:2001 11:04 PM: i play kyo in c groove but after i do a knockdown off something like j. d+fp i have no idea what to do after wards some1 wanna point me in the right direction and i also have problems with trying to cross up with him, while i was in training mode i could get the to cross up but not deep enough for the c.lp to combo in so i tried moving a little bit closer and i would jes jump over his head and not hit him at all, and then i tried backing up but if i jump i would go over him still but if i attacked it wouldn't cross up, im not sure if its my spacing or timing can some1 help me out with this Posted by strider86 on 10:29:2001 11:37 PM: hey everyone! i wanted to ask you guys and gurls do u guys have some good strats on Chang/Yamazaki/Rugal and i'm planning to use them on prolly c-groove and N-groove. and um do you guys really think that cvs2 has a top tier, cuz personally i don't think there is since the game seems balanced. i know that there are some overpowered people but if there is what is the top tier. Posted by Mummy-B on 10:30:2001 12:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 hey everyone! i wanted to ask you guys and gurls do u guys have some good strats on Chang/Yamazaki/Rugal and i'm planning to use them on prolly c-groove and N-groove. and um do you guys really think that cvs2 has a top tier, cuz personally i don't think there is since the game seems balanced. i know that there are some overpowered people but if there is what is the top tier. Here's some Rugal stuff. Actually, it's all the Rugal you'll probably ever need to know. And currently Sagat is ridiculously powerful. Posted by nightmareivy on 10:30:2001 12:25 AM: hey mummy your going to have to start another advanced strategy thread no matter what inkblot does or says, the advanced strategy thread is the shit. -Erik Posted by RJR on 10:30:2001 01:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by God of Death Does someone want to give me some tips on using Ryu in this game. No one has paid my questions any mind. PLEASE HELP ME I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay thanks Actually, there is not much tips to offer to Ryu and such. As long you are good with combos and you can pull off you DP deep in the gut, and have some great mind games, You should be able to do well with Ryu. Crossup mk, > ShinSho, anyone? Posted by Buktooth88 on 10:30:2001 05:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper When you have 3 stocks and break it'll only break one. This will give you some other situatoins to break. Say you have a battery char on your team and your powerhouse rushdown char is coming up next. Would you rather break when you have two stocks and waste them on a good battery char with bad supers (Yuri) or just not break any stocks at all saving them for your next char OR would you rather wait till you have 3 stocks saved up and break one, giving you the opportunity to use one stock and the ability to use another if you do a SA while in power up mode. Okay, you did a lv3 and immediately broke a stock after... and what? In exchange for that damage bonus, you've just temporarily stripped your ability to super, gain meter, alpha counter, counter roll etc. Given the choice of fighting a powered up Blanka and a Blanka with a lv3 ready, I'd opt for the powered up Blanka every time. The point is, outside of very specific cases, you don't need to break a stock until you have two, and there isn't many reasons to wait till you have three. Also, since you gain meter so ridiculously fast in this game (except in P and S grooves), battery chars aren't really necessary. Obviously, some chars will battery better than others (Sakura, Cammy), but saving meter for your "user" character isn't generally necessary. Also, more than 90% of the cast have supers that can function as anti-air and anti-projectile/poke. Even Yuri. Though a few don't have good anti-air supers (Eagle, Maki, Rolento, Honda, Balrog, etc.), EVERYBODY has an anti-poke super. This is a HUGE tactical advantage to have, obviously. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:30:2001 05:23 AM: as I stated it was merely informative for people who didn't know. I have never waited for 3 stocks in a round, I was just entering it into the thread for those who didn't know. There ARE some cases that I would recommend it (albeit few) and I was just offering a counter to your absolutist "always" statement about breaking the second you reach 2 stocks. Posted by Mummy-B on 10:30:2001 01:25 PM: Gouki-Worshiper: I don't think it was necessarily an absolutist kind of statement, but in a majority of cases, all you really need is two stocks. We all know that Level 1 supers have been drastically toned down, with the exception of a very few (namely Blanka, Rugal, King), and *usually* there's not THAT much benefit from breaking a stock if you only have one. On the flipside, when you have two stocks and you break, you have the MAX mode going with the possiblity of a Level 3 (which is naturally vastly superior to a Level 1) OR Counter Movement, Guard Counter, what have you. It's just generally broken stocks at 2 because you usually don't "double prepare" for something, in most cases. I can't really recall a time where I wanted to break a stock, use Counter Movement to set up my super, then Level 3. That's all. ... and naturally, I don't think any of us would just randomly break a stock whenever we get two. I usually predict an opening or go in for an offensive or something... I think the only time I break a stock at one is when my opponent is really low on life and I am pressuring the hell out of him. I do that often with Cammy and Terry in N Groove, with the prospect that the little more damage in MAX mode will actually make all the difference. Posted by Mummy-B on 10:30:2001 01:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mulliggan i play kyo in c groove but after i do a knockdown off something like j. d+fp i have no idea what to do after wards some1 wanna point me in the right direction and i also have problems with trying to cross up with him, while i was in training mode i could get the to cross up but not deep enough for the c.lp to combo in so i tried moving a little bit closer and i would jes jump over his head and not hit him at all, and then i tried backing up but if i jump i would go over him still but if i attacked it wouldn't cross up, im not sure if its my spacing or timing can some1 help me out with this Okay, well, variating your jump arc will not help your cross up ability with Kyo, in this case. You've already got the ideal jump arc. You have to remember that, as opposed to CvS, jumping jabs and shorts do not stay out the during the entire jump arc. To get a deeper cross up, just try hitting the lk button slightly *later* than you have been. Chances are, you're hitting it too early and the hit doesn't cause enough hitreel for you to combo off of it. After you knockdown someone with a j.down+fp, just position yourself back a few steps, then cross them up with as they get up. Just watch out for wake up DPs, but if you do it right you can really screw up the DP motion as well. You can get a knockdown, cross them up on thier wake up, and go right into a combo. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 10:30:2001 01:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mummy-B Gouki-Worshiper: I don't think it was necessarily an absolutist kind of statement, but in a majority of cases, all you really need is two stocks. We all know that Level 1 supers have been drastically toned down, with the exception of a very few (namely Blanka, Rugal, King), and *usually* there's not THAT much benefit from breaking a stock if you only have one. On the flipside, when you have two stocks and you break, you have the MAX mode going with the possiblity of a Level 3 (which is naturally vastly superior to a Level 1) OR Counter Movement, Guard Counter, what have you. It's just generally broken stocks at 2 because you usually don't "double prepare" for something, in most cases. I can't really recall a time where I wanted to break a stock, use Counter Movement to set up my super, then Level 3. That's all. ... and naturally, I don't think any of us would just randomly break a stock whenever we get two. I usually predict an opening or go in for an offensive or something... I think the only time I break a stock at one is when my opponent is really low on life and I am pressuring the hell out of him. I do that often with Cammy and Terry in N Groove, with the prospect that the little more damage in MAX mode will actually make all the difference. The whole point of my argument is that when you break at 3 stocks you get a lvl 3 SA. What this does is put you in MAX mode, AND if you do a SA it automatically breaks another stock for you making it level 3. This allows for a little more scutiny while you're in max mode b/c you'll only be using one stock if you don't have an opening for your level 3 SA but if you DO get and opporunity you can get a level 3 anyway. and never did I actually recommend this technique, I merely offered it on the table for people who didn't know this. I think it would be ideal for chars used as a battery (not like that matters as much in this game but still...) and ok for zoning chars b/c they'll only be using one stock and have the ability for lvl 3 at any time, and once that max mode runs out they can break AGAIN and be in max mode another time with the ability to do a level 3. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:30:2001 06:07 PM: thx 4 the help mummy =P Posted by CliffDog on 10:31:2001 07:16 PM: a few quick Kyo questions: okay, qcf+Fierce has "auto guard" they say...I have no clue what this means. I've been hit many times while doing this move and teher was no "auto guard." Do I have to hold back during the attack to get the autoguard? Does it autoguard only BEFORe the move comes out, only in the recovery frames or maybe both? Also, F+Fierce...what good is this move? Is it overhead? I've used it a few times and have found it useless. If this move is not overhead, what IS Kyo's overhead, or does he not have one? (seems liek a rush down character like him shoudl have one). And what about his rush and grab thing? Does this move have ANY use? I've heard it can be used a little in corner juggles, but is that ALL it's good for? Thanks guys. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:31:2001 11:12 PM: kyos overhead is f+mk the auto gaurd on that thing is worthless what it basically does is while ur in the middle of the move it absorbs a hit (without getting hit or nething) and u jes keep on going but the autoguard window is so small that its not to useful or atleast thats what i remember about it his rush grab can be comboed off of the qcf+mk,mk and the hk version in the corner, but u can only combo it off the mk version from midscreen or was it the hk version was one of them, but the dp+hk is so much better to use to follow up with cause it does slightly more damage but does 20 stun points compared to 0 that the rush grab does, the dp+hk is harder to time to get all 3 hits Posted by CliffDog on 10:31:2001 11:36 PM: Coolio, thanks, Mulliggan. if anyone has the answers to my other questions (what good is f+fierece? can you use the rush grab outside of juggles?) or has anythign to add, that woudl be appreciated as well. Posted by Mulliggan on 11:01:2001 12:49 AM: i was checking on the autoguard thing and im pretty sure the autoguard starts when kyo punchs come around from the side and u see the fire and doesnt end till hes in recovery so u might find some use in it against long range predictable pokers or something, *edit* actually its more like starts after his hand comes around the side then ends a split second later Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:01:2001 01:07 AM: this may seem pretty dumb but i need help with deciding what groove and ratio's to put my team in ?....i'm really new to CvS2 (but i have a pretty good background in alpha 3 and kof) and play a terry and haohmaru team, im better with terry but i want to get the most out of hoah's awesome normals that i've learned of , any help on this would be great! thanks in advance p.s i argee with nightmareivy on bringing back mummy b's strat tread i've learned SO much from just reading the damn thing , i hate being new...... Posted by bison812 on 11:01:2001 08:54 PM: Ive been playing the game for a few weeks and havent really found a set team yet but have found a few ppl i like a lot so any help on these 2 ppl would be most appreciated. M.bison and Sagat these two guys are pretty straight imo i play them in CG or NG havent tried any of the other groves to see how they fair up. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:01:2001 09:05 PM: good man. I hear that Vega/Bison is mean but I haven't seen him used too "meanly" yet : P Sagat owns though. You just HAVE to love s.MK, s.FP, and s.RH. They jump in the air, Tiger Uppercut time. You have an available lvl 3 and they jump/stick out a limb, Tiger Raid their ass (hella punishing move!). Posted by MadjaYcD on 11:02:2001 12:00 AM: Hello, I've been trying really hard to learn Iori but hes pretty hard to use. So I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on all his moves and strats. Thanks Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:02:2001 12:43 AM: just go to this thread: It's entitled: CvS2: Gouki Worshiper I have some questions on Iori We pretty much go over everything you need to know about Iori. Even some of his more advanced stuff : P Posted by Mummy-B on 11:02:2001 12:38 PM: quote: CliffDog Coolio, thanks, Mulliggan. if anyone has the answers to my other questions (what good is f+fierece? can you use the rush grab outside of juggles?) or has anything to add, that would be appreciated as well. Um, well, the rush grab I think is the qcb+k move... I think you're talking about that one right? It leaves him pretty open if it's blocked and you can see it coming a mile away, so it's usually not a good idea to use it outside of a combo. I usually just work it into a quick, simple combo like -> XX qcb+lk. Very easy, 4 hit combo and it gives it some utility. Otherwise, I would never ever do this move. It's like neon sign advertising "combo the hell out of me during recovery, or maybe even punch me in the face as I'm running to you." Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:02:2001 03:12 PM: everyone just disregard my question i already got it answered , just needed to clear that up "IF" anyone was gonna answer it Posted by Buktooth88 on 11:02:2001 05:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by ViciousSLASH this may seem pretty dumb but i need help with deciding what groove and ratio's to put my team in ?....i'm really new to CvS2 (but i have a pretty good background in alpha 3 and kof) and play a terry and haohmaru team, im better with terry but i want to get the most out of hoah's awesome normals that i've learned of , any help on this would be great! thanks in advance p.s i argee with nightmareivy on bringing back mummy b's strat tread i've learned SO much from just reading the damn thing , i hate being new...... Now I'd normally say to make your team Haoh-3/Terry-1, but since you're more confident with Terry I'd say go 2/2. However, since 3 man teams seem to be dominant for now, I'd suggest you try to find a third character (unless he's gonna be a deadweight...). As far as grooves go, I'd say C or N. Haoh is great in K, but Terry needs his roll. They both have very damaging super cancel combos also. As for N, the damage boost from breaking a stock is very beneficial to Haoh. He also isn't very super reliant. Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:02:2001 06:26 PM: do you think ken could fit on that team ( haohmaru and terry) some how, i know how to play ken quite effectively so i guess he could be that third member, but even if he can im thinking of ratio 2 terry and ratio 2 haohmaru in k groove as my team (big thanks to mr mummy on that one for the advice) , anyways thanks in advance... -vicious Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:02:2001 09:32 PM: sorry to post again but i think hibiki might work well in a k groove team with haoh too, any opinions on this? -vicious Posted by =Mr. Chibi= on 11:03:2001 05:43 AM: Does Nakoruru's backward dp+p reflect ground fireballs(ie. Iori's qcp+p) Posted by mousseduck on 11:03:2001 10:32 AM: We just got CvsS2 here and after playing it tonight, I have a question. My main team consists of Kim(R2), Chang(R1), and Rock (R1). Anyway, my question is: What is the best groove to put this team with? I mainly played C and N (mostly N) and did pretty well. I feel I have a pretty good mix of power, speed, and finesse on this team, I just don't know what groove to maximize their abilities in. Also, another question. What are some good strats with Eagle? I feel he has good potential but I didn't seem to use him effectively. He's a poker, obviously, but can he be used any other way than that? (By the way, I played Eagle in C and N, just for reference). Posted by CliffDog on 11:04:2001 01:17 AM: Sorry, I can't answer any of the groove questions, as I haven't even chosen a groove for myself yet! Damn, I wanna use P groove for some chars but I can't parry worth shit. Anyways, as Ki-Style, crossover, or sometimes crossup, is when you jump in at your opponent and hit them with an attack, but you land on the OPPOSITE SIDE that you jumped from. It's a highly effective offesive tactic as cross ups are hard to anti-air. Now, my question: I can not, for the lifeof me, get Kyo's combo,, c.lp,, aragami chain. I can not get the c.lp to cancel to the I'm not sure anymore where I eve heard you can do that, but I know I did hear it...perhaps it was a typo? If it was, what can you use instead? Finally, a quick thanks to Mummy-B for the tip (though I think the rush is hcb, not qcb...?) Posted by RJR on 11:04:2001 09:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by CliffDog Now, my question: I can not, for the lifeof me, get Kyo's combo,, c.lp,, aragami chain. I can not get the c.lp to cancel to the I'm not sure anymore where I eve heard you can do that, but I know I did hear it...perhaps it was a typo? If it was, what can you use instead? This combo works. It is one of his very limited combo. But you need a lot of practices to catch that timing. I am able to do the combo myself. its worth the efforts though. Posted by master ken on 11:04:2001 03:14 PM: I've got another simple question guys : since the game speed in my local arcade is really slow, I would like to pick fast characters so that I don't get bored. Besides Vega, who are the fastest characters in this game ? which groove(s) suit(s) them ? Thanks in advance. Posted by Super n00bie on 11:05:2001 12:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by ViciousSLASH sorry to post again but i think hibiki might work well in a k groove team with haoh too, any opinions on this? -vicious I was thinking of doing that. Moreover something like this: Ryo(R1) / Haohmaru(R1) / Hibiki(R2) in K-Groove. Sound nice? Or should I drop Ryo...? Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:05:2001 12:59 AM: see what's funny is that the teams i make will most likely be non existant cause the game has so many characters i've never played before , what the hell i might end up using something crazy like 2 todo, 1 cammy , and 1 eagle in p groove by the time i get totally accustomed to the game , so im just gonna stop asking what teams i SHOULD use and find one myself -Vicious Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:05:2001 01:19 AM: thats the right attitude. people asking who they should use is stupid. try everyone out and find who you like. NO ONE at this point is a complete expert on the game so come up with your own strats and take what people here tell you with a grain of salt Posted by Super n00bie on 11:05:2001 01:38 AM: Alright, I know who to use... But, in general, what groove goes best w/ this team? Ryo (R1) Hibiki (R1) Joe (R2) Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:05:2001 01:38 AM: yeah i just figured i'd stop asking questions and just find a group/duo of characters or character that i like to use and use effectively ,then i'll just ask for some tips later for those characters once i find learn all about them by myself........and hopefully i'll get better and maybe be able to give others advice someday -Vicious Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:05:2001 01:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Alright, I know who to use... But, in general, what groove goes best w/ this team? Ryo (R1) Hibiki (R1) Joe (R2) Hibiki is best in P groove. Ryo would go well in P groove as well to make up for his speed disadvantages... Joe I like a lot in C/N. I'd say overall P/K would be good for you... quote: yeah i just figured i'd stop asking questions and just find a group/duo of characters or character that i like to use and use effectively ,then i'll just ask for some tips later for those characters once i find learn all about them by myself........and hopefully i'll get better and maybe be able to give others advice someday -Vicious Yeah, that's pretty much the idea that I think that everyone should have, put a lot of effort into coming up with their own strats and not depending 100% on other people for teams/grooves/strats etc etc wihtout contributing at all. Posted by RJR on 11:05:2001 01:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Alright, I know who to use... But, in general, what groove goes best w/ this team? Ryo (R1) Hibiki (R1) Joe (R2) Grooves with low jump and run compliments them well. I don't use Hibiki & Ryo though. But they could pressure well if they can run up to the opponents and keep the pressure high. Ryo air hk is very useful in low jump. Posted by yahmean on 11:05:2001 10:11 AM: I want to know i do you connect some of the snk people super move from a crouching move I try so hard but just can't seem to get it. For example Iori c.hpxxlvl3 maiden masher. Posted by Yagami on 11:05:2001 12:34 PM: I thought this was a CVS2 Q&A about strats and tactics not "who should I use" or "heres my team.Give me a groove"? For the record:This isn't MVC2,where it makes a huge diff if you choose strider&doom or strider&cable.The only relation between characters in CVS2 is battery and user since no assists exist.Your first character dies...on to the next one,as if nothing happened.(but you may or may not have meter now...N/A in K groove) Just pick the characters that you play comfortably with and make them strong.Weak is the person who needs others to tell them who they should pick or if who they picked is good. BUT!There are some psychological aspects one may choose to consider if they want to build a team...for example:I use Ngruv r1 cammy,r1 yama,r2 Iori.The design behind this is for Cammy to annoy the hell outta my opponent with constant poking and rushdown at the same time building meter.She also has the flexibility to let me figure out my opponent's playing style.When Yama comes in,he will be facing a more subdued opponent and will have more opportunities to roll into lv3(now that he has meter and considering that Yama's roll is one of d fastest in the game)or to poke,poke poke with s.HK.Iori is my confidence character.With or without meter,I'm experienced enough with him to handle most situations. Anyways,thats my playing style but if yours is different then design your team accordingly.As you can see the only link between characters is psychologically and meter-wise(but meter builds up so fast in some grooves it doesn't make a diff).Other than that its a free-for all. As with groove selection,pick the groove that suites your playing style.Experiment to see if you're comfortable with your chosen groove and if you are stick with it.Are you good at parrying(P groove)?Defensive or offensive?(C or N respectively)Do you like pulling off flashy-come back comboes?(A groove) See,its a matter of what YOU like.Not what others tell you what you SHOULD like. Take the posts by Gouki worshiper and RJR below.(No offence guys) quote: Grooves with low jump and run compliments them well. I don't use Hibiki & Ryo though. But they could pressure well if they can run up to the opponents and keep the pressure high. Ryo air hk is very useful in low jump. Ryo,Hibiki and Joe go well with almost any groove.After watching countless vids it is safe to say that they all have worthy CC's.(Not sure about Joe tho.)Low jumps compliment them well,yes.But what is your playing style?Aggressive?Try N.But if you dont know how to utilize low jumps and runs effectively,will RJR's advice be relative?Do you know all their CC's?Try A.Defensive?Try C with Air block and such.Also you can center your game around landing Joe's godly lvl3.You good at parrying?P groove. quote: Hibiki is best in P groove This totaly depends on the person using Hibiki.If you cant parry and arent used to the 3S parry mind games,will putting Hibiki in P groove do you any good?I dont think so. quote: Ryo would go well in P groove as well to make up for his speed disadvantages... You want to make up for Ryo's lack of speed?Play him defensively then,in C groove.He has a pretty good lvl3(the 1 where he shouts Kyokugenryu something) that is nice to sit on.Also,I've seen a killer Ryo anti-air CC so putting him in A groove works and makes your opponent think twice about rushing you down while you control the space with your fireballs. You see,you cant assign as specific groove to a character because every human plays differently,and the mulitple groove cater to that aspect. quote: Yeah, that's pretty much the idea that I think that everyone should have, put a lot of effort into coming up with their own strats and not depending 100% on other people for teams/grooves/strats etc etc wihtout contributing at all. Then you shouldn't have answered Super n00bie's question.Let him find out for himself what suits him best.If guys like you stop answering questions like super n00bie's,guys like him would stop asking and actually try and find stuff out for themselves. I hope I have made my point without offending any1.If my references to any1 caused any anguish and suffering,please dont hold it to me.I didn't mean anything with malice.Just trying to help. Posted by Yagami on 11:05:2001 12:43 PM: quote: I want to know i do you connect some of the snk people super move from a crouching move I try so hard but just can't seem to get it. For example Iori c.hpxxlvl3 maiden masher. You probably get a dark thrust(FB) after your hp because of capcom's buffer system.While you're doing the qcf,hcb motion for maiden masher,you probably let go of Hp when the qcf motion is done,and since the engine registers button presses when you press AND release,the dark thrust comes out.The trick to get the maiden masher to come out from a hp is to HOLD hp until you get the qcf,hcb motion down then release.This scenario isn't just restricted to "snk people" but to any1 with overlapping buffer moves.(uh...cant think of a better term..) And dont use Iori's c.hp to combo cuz it goes over small characters use close.hp intead or if you're going into maiden masher whats more it hits low and doesnt buffer into anything. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:05:2001 01:11 PM: Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I thought exactly like that until someone posted on why they asked those "dumb questions." He was a "casual gamer." He spent maybe an hour playing CVS2 a week and just wanted to know how to beat the "cheap" Balrog(USA) player in CVS1, not how to mind game them out or cross over to B&B XX lvl SA etc etc... Just to play. So I realized that at least 30% of the people who post on SRK are just that, "casual gamers." They don't wanna compete at B6 and take on the best players in the world, they just want a nice 5 game winning streak at their local arcade to show some chump up. Realize that those who you're going to be having troubles with at the next tourney are not going to be listening to simple little answers like that, only the casual gamers. No offense taken b/c I know what it's like to get angry at all the stupid questions a lot of people end up asking : P Posted by Super n00bie on 11:05:2001 03:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yagami Then you shouldn't have answered Super n00bie's question.Let him find out for himself what suits him best.If guys like you stop answering questions like super n00bie's,guys like him would stop asking and actually try and find stuff out for themselves. I really hope I'm not the enemy here... I'm just trying to start with CvS2 on the right foot. BTW - I think I'll try N-Groove. I didn't go through all the technical stuff, I just figured that all the mobility in N-Groove compensates for Ryo's lack of speed. As for Hibiki, several other SRK veterans had said that if you are terrible with parrying, then N-Groove may be the next best groove for her. Also, for Joe, it is a well-known fact (maybe opinion..?) that he is optimal in N-Groove... and finally, Yagami mentioned that N-Groove was overall more aggressive, which my playing style is extremely aggressive and more fast-paced than normal - leading to my decision of N-Groove. ...Does that sound about right? Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:05:2001 04:54 PM: good man, thats the right attitude. as long as you are conveying your reason for decisions along with your explanations there is no fault to be found... Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:05:2001 07:22 PM: jeez i hope i'm not the one who started this arguement, i didn't mean to if i did , i was just stating that with so many characters to be picked maybe i'll find my "blanka" or "rock" in some other fighter....... sorry if i started a ruckus.... -Vicious Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:05:2001 07:38 PM: dont worry about it d00d. lets just get back on subject. How bout we have everyone list their fave chars and their fave B&B's for each char to stimulate a little more conversation: Sagat: s.fp -> fp + dp...yeah I know it's not really anything special but I don't combo with him as much, more of a poke/punish fiend Yun: s.lp,,, You Hou, lp Mountain Lean, s.Rh Cammy:,, rh cannon spike/SA Iori: x 3, deadly flower x 3 OR j.fp, s.fp, lvl maiden masher Posted by Mummy-B on 11:05:2001 07:46 PM: Alright, let's get some points clear now: If you're going to use P or K Groove, there is an essential element in making that decision. You MUST be able to avidly Parry and Just Defend. When I first started using P Groove, I couldn't Parry that well. So when I met somebody really good I had to die and switch off the C Groove. If you can't Just Defend like hell, K Groove is not a good option. Because the only way you're building meter is by getting the piss kicked out of you. Unless you can really do these things, you're giving away a Roll, Counter Movement (N), Air Block (C), Guard Counter, and a controlling meter. Then you get a Short Hop, a Run or Dash, and a Tactical Recovery or Safe Fall, and a meter that costs you, literally, your life. This is just like choosing A Groove and not knowing any damaging OCs. Don't just choose P or K Groove because it seems to best suit your character, because it won't best suit your character if you can't Parry or Just Defend well. I always suggest starting in C and N, then work into A, P, or K. That's what I did. Just FYI. Posted by Super n00bie on 11:05:2001 08:18 PM: What do you consider S-Groove? The "I couldn't decide" groove? Seems like it to me... o.o; Posted by ViciousSLASH on 11:05:2001 08:53 PM: just how difficult is parrying ? is it like 2 + 0 = ? hard or calculus hard, maybe somewhere inbetween, does the timing need to be perfect? and about JDing , thats where you block right before you an attack makes contact right?? , then how do you JD something like ken's fierce DP or a super, same thing with parrying multi hit attacks, just need some preparation info on the grooves....thanks in advance ( most likely im gonna use N groove to start with and move on to the one of the others , i wanna be able to run!, makes it feel like guilty gear X ) -Vicious Posted by Super n00bie on 11:05:2001 10:10 PM: Hey, it's me again... I dunno if this goes against what Yagami said... ...But can I have a complete movelist for Rock? And on a scale of 1-10, how popular is he? ( 1 - Very Unpopular; 5 - Normal; 10 - Very Popular ) Posted by RJR on 11:06:2001 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Hey, it's me again... I dunno if this goes against what Yagami said... ...But can I have a complete movelist for Rock? And on a scale of 1-10, how popular is he? ( 1 - Very Unpopular; 5 - Normal; 10 - Very Popular ) Why do you want the popularity of Rock (or other characters) Popularity doesn't mean that he/she will be good or suitable for you. In arcade, not many ppl use him, and those who used him, don't really fare well. Since you asked, he should be sitting on a scale of maybe... 4.5 . Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:06:2001 02:13 AM: jeez, I can finally respond, stupid 12 post/day limit...first time I've hit it... quote: What do you consider S-Groove? The "I couldn't decide" groove? Seems like it to me... o.o; S groove gives you dodging and the critical meter abilties. It just has yet to really be showcased as a strong groove, same with A. quote: just how difficult is parrying ? is it like 2 + 0 = ? hard or calculus hard, maybe somewhere inbetween, does the timing need to be perfect? and about JDing , thats where you block right before you an attack makes contact right?? , then how do you JD something like ken's fierce DP or a super, same thing with parrying multi hit attacks, just need some preparation info on the grooves....thanks in advance ( most likely im gonna use N groove to start with and move on to the one of the others , i wanna be able to run!, makes it feel like guilty gear X ) -Vicious It's about 2x as hard as 3S (in terms of timing/frame...)...just practice...a lot... quote: Hey, it's me again... I dunno if this goes against what Yagami said... ...But can I have a complete movelist for Rock? And on a scale of 1-10, how popular is he? ( 1 - Very Unpopular; 5 - Normal; 10 - Very Popular ) From my exp Rock is about a 7 right now. Sagat and Blanka are tied for first at 10. Don't take this as a gauge of how good they are, nothing is final in fighting games. Movelist...I don't really know his moves...the game lists them all so just look there when you pause it. and BTW...if you think Calc is hard :P Posted by Sho 2 on 11:06:2001 03:36 AM: O.K. Can anyone proclaim the glories of N-Groove to me? I just seem to really hate that Groove, it just seems to be the weakest groove to me. I know you're all like but let me tell you this. I know the supposed good stuff of N-Groove but it just doesn't seem worth. I'm also not asking for any character since I know people here don't use ANY of the characters I use and besides people seem to be more hook on Sagat and Blanka right. and disgusting. Oh wait, I'm starting to ramble again. Better stop before Gouki-Worshiper gets on me again. Never mind. Why do I try? Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:06:2001 03:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sho 2 O.K. Can anyone proclaim the glories of N-Groove to me? I just seem to really hate that Groove, it just seems to be the weakest groove to me. I know you're all like but let me tell you this. I know the supposed good stuff of N-Groove but it just doesn't seem worth. I'm also not asking for any character since I know people here don't use ANY of the characters I use and besides people seem to be more hook on Sagat and Blanka right. and disgusting. Oh wait, I'm starting to ramble again. Better stop before Gouki-Worshiper gets on me again. Never mind. Why do I try? N groove: Short Jump Counter Movement Max Mode Med-High Damaging SAs Run Posted by Sho 2 on 11:06:2001 04:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper N groove: Short Jump Counter Movement Max Mode Med-High Damaging SAs Run Whoa, what convincing argument. I think I already stated I know what N-Groove has, well-enough anyway to know that you left out 3 features but Roll, Counter Attack, and Safe Fall suck anyway. And really as far I'm concerned so are Low Jump and Run because neither have anything good to them. Counter Movement isn't that great either and I wouldn't have you block a super in N-Groove anyways. Max Mode is probably the best thing about this stupid grooove but I still don't like it. Now, can someone give me some actual proof? Posted by RJR on 11:06:2001 04:36 AM: I think what he wants to know about N groove is not what the groove can do, but what he can do while using it. We all know what N groove provides, safe fall, run, counter...etc. But he doesn't seem to know what he can do with all those. And it will be very valuable for us if some experts could provide us this field of infomations. Am I right Sho 2? Posted by Sho 2 on 11:06:2001 04:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by RJR I think what he wants to know about N groove is not what the groove can do, but what he can do while using it. We all know what N groove provides, safe fall, run, counter...etc. But he doesn't seem to know what he can do with all those. And it will be very valuable for us if some experts could provide us this field of infomations. Am I right Sho 2? Yeah, you are. Finally, someone that speaks my language. Sorry you ahd to translate that though, I didn't realize that I was typing in Negronese again. My fault. Posted by RJR on 11:06:2001 05:26 AM: Ok, since we've cleared the air on that 'Negronese' thing. Let me offer what I could do with n groove. Pressure, lot of pressure! With RUN, you can always close fast. Very useful for slow moving characters like Zangief, Yama & such. Also, for character with relatively short & quick roll (Kim, Mai, Honda, shotos & etc), you can incorporate the roll into your run to get behind your opponents or trick them into mistakes. Run motion can be cancelled immediately with any punches and kicks. Unlike dash, you can't. Counter movement: This is one hellofa good move for certain characters. Eg. Iori : When someone do a charge super at you, lets say Ken's Shoryureppa, Immediately upon blocking the first hit, counter roll FORWARD, and punish him. Low Jump: I only use this move only when I'm zoning and pressuring the fella, and I wanna close in our distant abit when roll is not practical since you could be thrown if your playing against a turtle. As low jump has a longer recovery, you wouldn't want to low jump too often and too closeup. As of now, I only know 1 character that can combo off after low jump attack, Zangief. I rest my fingers for awhile now. Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:06:2001 02:47 PM: I was listing what were the advantages of N groove (I left out roll I admit but safe fall was on purpose, it just gets you hit...): Short Jump: -I don't use it all that much but it's a quick way to gain a little ground with a damaging overhead, keeps the pressure on. Sagat's sj.rh has great range, is an overhead, and does great dmg. You CAN combo from some short jumps is done properly as well. Counter Movement -You WILL be blocking a SA some time in your life, if you have three stocks you can ->Block into counter movement ->Break two stocks ->Punish with a lvl 3 SA Not gonna happen often b/c you will want to be on offense and using your meter all the time, but just an example of what you could do with it. Kinda sucks for chars with bad rolls though... Max Mode -Pressure pressure pressure. Increased offense and defense, oftentimes making your opponent turtle in fear of the extra damage. In mose cases you want to break as soon as you hit two stocks (unless you're "batterying," which is another thing that N groove excels at). Run - Great offensive tool. With Cammy I was running all that time, after a cannon spike I wanted to get back in there ASAP so run -> j. cross over lk -> B&B -> SA. A lot harder to do without it. Iori's run looks exactly like his run in his hcb + k command throw, get some mindgames goin on : P Essentially just helps you get back to your opponent. Roll - Check out Iori's roll, I think it'll help change your mind about rolls. I actually think a decent part of his game (and others with great rolls) is "psychic rolling," in which you "know" when your opponent is going to stick out a limb and you roll and punish, REALLY makes your opponent scared to stick stuff out. Even Sagat's roll is decent enough to punish the slower chars like this. hope this helps better... Posted by HaoGui on 11:06:2001 06:09 PM: I would say something I've notice good about N groove. 1. The cancel time on the run is instant unlike regular dash (as mentioned above by someone else). And let me clarify the run. Actually if you just tap FF and let the stick back to neutral you get a dash (I guess this could be called "N-Dash") which can be canceled instantly. Faking an attack into the "N-Dash" then throw is good, or fake into N-dash attack is good. 2. Knock the opponent down, the Run to a meaty attack is very good. 3. Knockdown, Run, crossup, especially if you have a good crossup. 4. Supers take just slighty less than S-Groove(the most powerful) but you can keep stocks. This is what I've noticed so far Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:06:2001 08:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by HaoGui I would say something I've notice good about N groove. 1. The cancel time on the run is instant unlike regular dash (as mentioned above by someone else). And let me clarify the run. Actually if you just tap FF and let the stick back to neutral you get a dash (I guess this could be called "N-Dash") which can be canceled instantly. Faking an attack into the "N-Dash" then throw is good, or fake into N-dash attack is good. 2. Knock the opponent down, the Run to a meaty attack is very good. 3. Knockdown, Run, crossup, especially if you have a good crossup. 4. Supers take just slighty less than S-Groove(the most powerful) but you can keep stocks. This is what I've noticed so far Run stopping is not instant, you can cancel it into a move/jump which leaves you a little bit safer but just stopping a run theres a little slowdown time where you're vulnerable. Run -> cross over is a great use of run though. Posted by Ben-Ra on 11:06:2001 08:09 PM: Someone had a question about JDing. The best way to learn it is in training mode. Set one side to always Just Defend. Then throw various attacks at it. Anything but throws can be JDed, and you can learn what the timing is. Good example:Tiger Uppercut. The timing to JD it is really counterintuitive, but once you see the CPU do it a few times you can get a good handle on how to do it. For laughs, check out the JD on some of the supers, I doubt anyone can do them consistently, but they're funny as hell to watch. Posted by Mummy-B on 11:06:2001 09:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Hey, it's me again... I dunno if this goes against what Yagami said... ...But can I have a complete movelist for Rock? This is actually the only thing I have time for. Reppuken - qcf+p (Double Reppuken with fierce punch) Hard Edge - qcb+p Rising Tackle - (d)u+p Crack Counter, high - qcb+lk Crack Counter, mid - qcb+mk Crack Counter, low - qcb+fk Rage Run - qcf+k (lk stops, mk Power Dunks, fk Shifts. I think.) Shinkuu Nage - 360+p Raging Storm - qcf,qcf+p Shine Knuckle - qcf,qcf+k Deadly Rave Neo - hcb,f+lk -> lp x2 -> lk x2 -> mp -> mk -> fp -> qcb+fk. Don't hold me to the Rage Runs, because (a) I haven't used Rock in a while and (b) I don't use them much, which I should. Posted by Super n00bie on 11:06:2001 09:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mummy-B This is actually the only thing I have time for. Reppuken - qcf+p (Double Reppuken with fierce punch) Hard Edge - qcb+p Rising Tackle - (d)u+p Crack Counter, high - qcb+lk Crack Counter, mid - qcb+mk Crack Counter, low - qcb+fk Rage Run - qcf+k (lk stops, mk Power Dunks, fk Shifts. I think.) Shinkuu Nage - 360+p Raging Storm - qcf,qcf+p Shine Knuckle - qcf,qcf+k Deadly Rave Neo - hcb,f+lk -> lp x2 -> lk x2 -> mp -> mk -> fp -> qcb+fk. Don't hold me to the Rage Runs, because (a) I haven't used Rock in a while and (b) I don't use them much, which I should. Wow, that's pretty good. Thanks a lot, Mummy-B. I just have one more question about Rock... His Rising Tackle - what is (d)u? Sorry... x.x; Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:06:2001 10:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Super n00bie Wow, that's pretty good. Thanks a lot, Mummy-B. I just have one more question about Rock... His Rising Tackle - what is (d)u? Sorry... x.x; charge down, then up. like a flash kick Posted by Super n00bie on 11:06:2001 10:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gouki-Worshiper charge down, then up. like a flash kick Aight. I think I have this SRK-language down. Posted by oni.M on 11:07:2001 09:22 AM: Parrying is friggin dope. Hehe Going through Benimaru's 10 Hit level 3 Raikouken by parrying is one of the coolest things i've ever seen in a game -_- doing it however is not....... hrm n-e one have tips for parrying low hits? dat's the only part of parryin i can't seem develop enough to actually be effective. i fluke and accidentally parry low hits sometiems -_- but is there n-e other way to do it? Posted by DiscoStoo on 11:07:2001 07:51 PM: Ok, I've never been a Rock player, but I've got a new "pick a random character and get damn good with him/her" philosophy going, and I ended up on Rock. I get most of his stuff, and I think I'm using him pretty effectively, but I don't understand his Shinkuu Nage. In the movelist it says you can use PPP to break out of it, and I read somewhere else you can combo it into something (like a super). How is this done? If I'm LUCKY I can get that little shiny fist poke at the end by holding PPP, but other than that I haven't been able to pull it off. Is there some trick to it or do I just suck? Posted by RJR on 11:08:2001 01:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by DiscoStoo Ok, I've never been a Rock player, but I've got a new "pick a random character and get damn good with him/her" philosophy going, and I ended up on Rock. I get most of his stuff, and I think I'm using him pretty effectively, but I don't understand his Shinkuu Nage. In the movelist it says you can use PPP to break out of it, and I read somewhere else you can combo it into something (like a super). How is this done? If I'm LUCKY I can get that little shiny fist poke at the end by holding PPP, but other than that I haven't been able to pull it off. Is there some trick to it or do I just suck? You have to hold ppp immediately, AND I mean IMMEDIATELY right after you do the command throw. And you can break out of the post command throw motion by taping ppp once RIGHT after the command grab. Posted by oni.M on 11:08:2001 05:50 AM: quote: If I'm LUCKY I can get that little shiny fist poke at the end by holding PPP yah when u do pull it off, keep in mind if ur close enuf to the corner u can link into a shining knuckle.. jus takes some timing k dood? tip: let go of the PPP when they're right above where the energy blast is gonna occur, and den dial in the shining knuckle movement l00x damn cool if u pull it off. Posted by RJR on 11:08:2001 08:50 AM: For all Rock users: Maybe someone has posted this, but no harm reading it again. I don't know if Rock has a reliable crossup move. But he seem to be able to crossup with hk. I did it on Blanka, so I assume this may only works on bigger characters. I found only a couple of B&B combo for Rock. 1. After crossup or very close, (I prefer to use light punch more bcos it is easier to combo and a little more damage that light kick), 2 x c.lp, > qcb hp. 2. Super combo 3 x c.lp, > qcf x 2 mp > supercancel into qcf x 2 lp (you don't need to be near corner to get the second super to link.) p.s. His 4 x c.lp > is pretty useful. Timing is a little tough though. Can't get it 100%. Posted by God of Death on 11:08:2001 03:31 PM: I been playing this game for about a month and I don't see what everyone is talking about with Ryu's diminished dragon punch. A lot of people have been saying that it has lost some priority. I don't see it.Maybe because I have good anticipation and I usually dragon punch people at the height of their jumps, but I also still have used it to counter a lot of pokes I have even used it to snuff Supers. Comment and tell you what you think. -The end is near! Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:08:2001 05:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by God of Death I been playing this game for about a month and I don't see what everyone is talking about with Ryu's diminished dragon punch. A lot of people have been saying that it has lost some priority. I don't see it.Maybe because I have good anticipation and I usually dragon punch people at the height of their jumps, but I also still have used it to counter a lot of pokes I have even used it to snuff Supers. Comment and tell you what you think. -The end is near! It definately has less priority...I've seen s.RH/s.FP stuff it and any level 3 SA will be able to if not timed stupidly. Level 1 SAs have the priority of a watermelon so those would get stuffed by anything anyway : P DPing at the height of your opponents jump isn't always the best thing either in this game jtlyk: Parry Air Block Just Defense Not to say that it sucks now, definately has high priority, but it's no longer 100% dependable anymore... Posted by DiscoStoo on 11:08:2001 05:36 PM: That's cool, thanks for the Rock schtuff. Posted by MadjaYcD on 11:09:2001 04:15 AM: Anybody give me some help with Yamazaki? I like his style of play, but I can't seem to use him as well. Thanks. C groove is my primary groove. Posted by RJR on 11:09:2001 04:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by MadjaYcD Anybody give me some help with Yamazaki? I like his style of play, but I can't seem to use him as well. Thanks. C groove is my primary groove. Yama is not a combo freak. But he is gd at poking game. Try this : do a jump in with lp/lk/mk or hk, then c.lp x 3, s.hp xx hp serpent slash. You can link his qcf x 2 after lp. But depending on the distance. lpx3 move you to far away. And also depending on the super level. lvl 3 being having the least no. of frames. Yama anti-air is standing hp. And poke with his s.hp and The latter being the best. But you can link into hp serpent slash after the Use the hp instead if you want to link the S. Slash for chip damage. Yama is not a gd crossup character but you can nontheless do crossup with hk. I think it works better on Bigger characters. p.s. His hcf + kick is a good counter move for anti-air too. Posted by Yakuza Psycho on 11:10:2001 03:17 AM: A better B&B combo for Yamazaki is c.LP x 2 xx QCB + K (Sand Kick) xx QCB + HP (Fierce slash). Just make sure the sand kick hits or you're open to counterattack. His anti air is c.HP, and not s.HP. S.HP is just a headbutt. Yama's jump really sucks (its slow and quite low), so don't jump too much with him. When you knock them down, mix them up with his command grab (HCB, F + P) with his overheads (f+MP, DP+K). His command grab actually has some range unlike some of the other characters in the game, but it's no SPD. Posted by Cable387 on 11:10:2001 04:33 AM: Twin Shock Arcade Stick? does the old Twin Shock Arcade Stick for PSX work for Capcom vs. SNK 2, if you know please reply. Posted by Hannibal Smith on 11:10:2001 06:26 AM: The Blaze Twin Shock Arcade Stick is absolutely horrible, please don't waste your money. I did, I got one off of ebay. The best arcade sticks are any Hori PS stick and the Namco stick. Posted by RJR on 11:10:2001 02:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yakuza Psycho His anti air is c.HP, and not s.HP. S.HP is just a headbutt. Oops!! I got that wrong. Posted by noswad on 11:10:2001 03:11 PM: Re: Twin Shock Arcade Stick? quote: Originally posted by Cable387 does the old Twin Shock Arcade Stick for PSX work for Capcom vs. SNK 2, if you know please reply. Umm.. I dunno about PSX2, but I tried using my Twin Shock with my DC and it wouldn't work. The psx->DC adapters I have are really picky. If it didn't have "Sega" or "Sony" on it, it didn't work. Maybe someone can help me.. ? Whenever I put in the twin shock, EVERYTHING is on turbo. The buttons, even the joystick! If I hold towards, I will keep dashing. You can't walk or anything, just stutter about and dash. Any twin shock owners figure out a way around this? The twin shock is weird.. We had to turn off the vibration for A3, because if you blocked something it would pause the game. Here's a tip if you haven't done so already. Take out the 2P start and select buttons. Just the buttons. That way you can still use them and your hand won't be pausing the game all the time. Posted by FMJaguar on 11:10:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by God of Death I been playing this game for about a month and I don't see what everyone is talking about with Ryu's diminished dragon punch. It is no longer totally invincible, it still has the great hitboxes that it always did, but ryu himself is no longer totally invincible. I believe he has some partial invincibility, but you can trade or even win with kyo's d+fierce. You notice the loss of invincibility in reversal situations than anything. DP'ing people out of thier super right after the flash, is different than going through the super. I'll probably test more about the DPs tonight. I'll find out more and post again. BTW, Was this supposed to be a thread about 'basic CvS2 info' or 'basic CvS2 strategy'. In either case my question is: how long is each groove's super bar... the gamedata section says you get 3 pts for this and 1 pt for that, but i don't know how long the bar is. Posted by strider86 on 11:12:2001 04:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by RJR For all Rock users: Maybe someone has posted this, but no harm reading it again. I don't know if Rock has a reliable crossup move. But he seem to be able to crossup with hk. I did it on Blanka, so I assume this may only works on bigger characters. I found only a couple of B&B combo for Rock. 1. After crossup or very close, (I prefer to use light punch more bcos it is easier to combo and a little more damage that light kick), 2 x c.lp, > qcb hp. 2. Super combo 3 x c.lp, > qcf x 2 mp > supercancel into qcf x 2 lp (you don't need to be near corner to get the second super to link.) p.s. His 4 x c.lp > is pretty useful. Timing is a little tough though. Can't get it 100%. i have a question, how do you do the command throw after you do the fast dash move?, have a question too is rock good in a-groove cuz i made some combos but they don't seem to take off that much. anyone have damaging combos for rock? Posted by CliffDog on 11:12:2001 07:08 PM: All right I've looked all over the forums for some good stuff on C-groove King, but there isn't much...can anyone just post up some good stuff with her? Is she a pressure character like Kyo? Maybe a well-rounded character like Ryu? she seems like she may have some good combos but I'm not sure how easy they are to land or get into... Jsut general stuff with her woudl be appreciated much, thanks. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 11:15:2001 03:00 AM: help help with c groove rolento ryu and sagat strats or combos thank you Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:15:2001 03:09 AM: for sagat anything go here: we pretty much covered Sagat. From what's known so far he's pretty damn basic, but also one of the most effective in the game... Posted by Unreallystic on 11:15:2001 03:08 PM: Yo, I have only played the game twice. Unfortunatly only one arcade round my way has it, and I hae yet to get it for DC. I seem to be pretty decent in it, with a decent streak against (shock) people who knew what they were doing. My team was Yuri r1, Kyoske r1, Sagat r2. My other team I messed up and had Yuri r1, Sagat r1, Blanka r2. This was all in C groove...I tried A groove, but I have never been good at CC so it was pretty useless. I am about to read the Sagat thread. But I was curious as to how much they changed with Yuri. I was being to B&B with stuff to really try anything with her...I just noticed she got a DP back again (don't use it...c.fp is better) and her normal fireball sux ass now...did they make any other changes to her? I also found the controls to be more this a fact or just me getting better? I am curious as to how 'good' Blanka's play. I just abused his fp, c.fp, and d/b.fp (it may be d/f.fp)...with a roll at mid screen distance. I liked to roll when near and try to land a throw. I know in CvS I could combo his lvl3 ball super after a through, unfortunetly he never had the levels so I couldn't try it, but does he still have that ability? Also ho do you tech throws in the game? I fought against a N-groove guy who kept teching stuff,and I was curious how it was done in this game. Other questions 1) How is a r1 or r2 Geese? Rugal? 2) I tried Hibiki and couldn't do anything more than a qcf p slash...she has to have more than that to her game... 3) How is a r1 Joe? What is considered a typical strat with him? 4) Did they increase the AI for the computer? 5) In JD, do you hit down to JD low attacks or back, and in comparing P verse K groove (I think K is the JD one)...which one would ya'll suggest, especially to someone who isn't good at parrying yet (he is still friend). 6) Did they alter Iori? I was still able to kill people with is B&B combos, but I wanted to know if there was more stuff to abuse 7) Did they weaken Nakaruru? 8) I fought a r4 Guile this past weekend. I beat him with a r2 that a bad match up, or just me beatinng him? Also are their any other characters who are good at r4? 9) someone asked earlier in the thread and no one replied so I will ask do you launch with Kyoske. I originaly picked him because I played Project Justice and saw him do an air combo in a combo vid and I wanted to try it out. Can someone spread the knowledge 10) are the faqs at GameFaqs any good for this game? 11) I heard rolling was so? Thanx for all help. And if you really want to help, help me get a DC version of CvS2. Just IM me about that... Posted by CliffDog on 11:16:2001 05:58 PM: Answering what I know: 1) Both geese and Rugal are good characters...though some will disagree. Overall, most peeps seem to think Rugal is a little better than Geese. What ratio you assign them doesn't really make much of a difference, a good cahracter is good at any ratio...but I woudl say that rugal and Geese seem too...big and boss-liek to be ratio ones! 2) Hibiki is quickly dropping in the ranks...she used to be realyl god, but now people are punishing her qcf+p slash all the time, leaving her with no real combo, as it's her only effective combo ender unless she supers. She DOES still have some of the best normal moves in the game (mp poke is just unfair), and a counter (hcf+p, can be followed by a super or qcf+mp), plus her hp is AWESOME anti air. And, if your opponent can't punish her qcf+p slaesh, then Hibiki's combo, c.clks>c.lp>qcf+mp is just NASTY (not that powerful, but SO effective). 4) I don't think the computer is harder, but I don't know. Diffrent aarcades set ithe difficultry at different levels. 5) To JD is to block something RIGHT before it hits, to block low attacks, it's down BACK, not down. Parrying is done by tapping f RIGHT before it hits your, or d right before it hits you if it is low. Both are fairly hard to do, but JD (which IS K groove) is safer since, if you do it early, you will block normally. Plus, K groove you get meter for it, AND you get some life (excellent against fireballs...your opponent tries to chip damage you with a fireball and you GAIN energy instead...his fireball game is just GONE). For both parries and JD, you do NOT bounce back after it and you get a frame advantage so you can nail the opponent afterwards. Also, both can be done in the air, meaning, if you are good, you effectively get C-grooves air block (but better, since you can ari block ANYTHING, not just air to air and projectiles). That makes it sound liek JD is better than parry, BUT JD is only a SMALL frame advantage, but parry is fact, if you are good at parrying, ANY (yes, ANY attack, even the SAFEST attacks) attack your opponent makes can be parried and PUNHISHED heavily. If you get good at parries, your opponent can't do JACK to you, you just parry and kick his ass for trying ANYTHING...NOTHING is safe anymore. 7) Of COURSE Nakaruru was weakened...she was WAY too powerful. However, she is still good, so don't act liek she sucks. 8) beating a R4 guiel with R2 Blanka: Again, ratios don't matter, a character doesn't really get better or worse with their ratio. If you beat a R4 guile with a R4 Blanka, then he doens't know how to play against careful though cuz he might learn how to coutner that Blanka ball (I'm not sure but I bet a sonic hurricane is guaranteed). 9) Kyosuke's launch: the launch is df+hk. As far as I know, it kinda sucks, range is pathetic, but I don'tknow much with Kyosuke, jsut messed aroudn with him a little. 10) GameFAQ's: I woudl say they're not the greatest FAQ's, but they certainly don't hurt...if you want info, I would check them out and see what you can learn. 11) In CvS1, rolling was too powerful, you just rolled, you were invincible, and you coudl get to your opponent's back. Now, it has been weakened slightly but is still useful (can be VERY useful or not too useful depending on character). Now, you ARE invincible in the roll EXCEPT to CAN be thrown. Also, now, the last few frames of your roll ARE many frames of vulerability you have is different with different characters. Posted by Unreallystic on 11:16:2001 08:34 PM: 1) Thanx Cliffdog 2) My friend is trying to master parrying and the such for this game and SF33S but has a long time to go. Would anyonesuggest he do K groove since there is a better likely hood of not taking significant damage, until he gets better, or should he just stick it out with P groove? 3) Except for Cammy, who else can 'rush down'? I am especially looking at character match ups against Guile since in CvS I saw alot of him, and I figure the same will happen for CvS2 4) I know the old Yuri 'trap' but with out her full screen fireball it is weakend a little, I was curious if there were any other characters with some kind of wake -up trao game or any other charcter period with some kind of trap 5) Few people have said much about Kyo, how many of his moves does he have, is he of any real value anymore, or did they just weaken him to death 6) I haven't had a chance to beat it, but who is the last boss? 7) Is Ryu as good as he used to be...I heard the Shinshoryuken had been weakend and I heard that it doesn't have quite the same juggling you could no longer do a shin shoryuken after a sweep 8) Did they redraw Morrigan?...nevermin dumb question only get dumb answers 9) How is Chang played? I fought the computer once...and I beat his ass so quick I don't remember anything outside of him spinning he bball around his head once and the midget from KOF helping him out too 10) So far what has become the dominant Anti-air? (priority wise) Thanx for answering my qustions Posted by Bezerka on 11:17:2001 06:08 AM: Anybody got some anti yamazaki tactics? Posted by extraguy on 11:19:2001 09:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bezerka Anybody got some anti yamazaki tactics? bezerka gearing up for the tournament aye. so many yamazakis out there. hey bezerka are there any other cvs2 machine besides the one at playtime? Posted by CliffDog on 11:19:2001 05:36 PM: 2) He can change to K insstead of P if he likse the effects of JD, but I would not personally...he'll find he can NOT do what he probaly wants to do after he gets a JD as o[pposed to a can't realy punish the same way. It IS harder to parry in CvS2 as opposed to SF3 though. 3,5) Actually, interesting you mention Kyo here because I personalyl think he is among the best rushdown characters in the game. Give him a grove with short jump and run and he can seriously get in and do MAJOR MAJOR combo damage...if you can pull off his combos that is. His defenses are poor,but he has laods of mix ups, pokes and his combos do 4000-5000 with NO super (but none of them are really safe so DON'T fuck them up, you need to get them down GOOd before using them). I don't knwo why Kyo doesn't get the attention he deserves, he rules! he can get in really well, has a good cross up, an ANTI-anti-air (d+hp), loads of combos and mix ups...basically, if he gets in, and he can, you're toast. His weakness is mediocre defense and the fact that, if you fuck up anything with him, you get toasted since, like, NONE of his moves are safe. 6) If you do crappy, there is no loast boss. If you do well, Rugal or Akuma are the last boss, but if you do REALLY well, then ou fight Ultra Rugal or Shin Akuma. 7)Yup, that is more sweep>shin shoryuken...that was way overpowered anyways. It's still a good move though and Ryu is still decent, though overall he's weaker than before. 10) the best anti air in the game? gee, that's hard to say, there are lots of good ones...maybe Rock's s.HK (I think it's s.HK anyways) or Hibiki's s.HP. Most people have a good AA. Posted by dojikyo on 11:20:2001 03:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Thank you RJR, Gouki-worshipper and Mummy-b for the help!! Now that i have a basic idea of who to use, and what groove, can you guys give me some tips on how to use Blanka and Guile? I mainly turtle with them, and i even suck at that, LOL. Bit of help might be nice. What are some good pokes with guile/blanka and Sagat? What are some good combos with Sagat? Blanka's d/f+Fierce has great reach and goes under most fireballs that don't skim the ground so it is quite useful just before due to the recovery time. Guile's c. forward is fast and has good range. The backhand is good for snuffing characters that are about to jump and also has great range. His crouching fierce also works well as an anti-air attack if done early. With Sagat I usually use a mix of standing shorts, standing forwards and standing/crouching fierces. If you haven't noticed I prefer to keep my opponents at a certain distance. You probably need to find what works best for your own play style. Just try to avoid being predictable (I am still having trouble with that). Fast reflexs are nice but control means more. Posted by dojikyo on 11:20:2001 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by UnCauzi Okay here we go why not characters I like, how do you think I should format a team with these, I'll list them with my current skill (how well I do locally) with said character: Geese Yamazaki Haohmaru Chang Rolento Damn that's about it, currently I just use C groove, with a dabble in K groove. Any other specific grooves I should try for any particular reasons? I like the mobility of the n-groove. Both haomaru and rolento are great at poking and the extra mobility allows rolento to be even more aggressive than he already is. The extra damage per hit when a super is used to "max" is also nice. Posted by dojikyo on 11:20:2001 03:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by UnCauzi Okay here we go why not characters I like, how do you think I should format a team with these, I'll list them with my current skill (how well I do locally) with said character: Geese Yamazaki Haohmaru Chang Rolento Damn that's about it, currently I just use C groove, with a dabble in K groove. Any other specific grooves I should try for any particular reasons? I like the mobility of the n-groove. Both haomaru and rolento are great at poking and the extra mobility allows rolento to be even more aggressive than he already is. The extra damage per hit when a super is used to "max" is also nice. Posted by Bezerka on 11:20:2001 06:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by extraguy bezerka gearing up for the tournament aye. so many yamazakis out there. hey bezerka are there any other cvs2 machine besides the one at playtime? im trying my best, yamazaki's a pain in the ass but as far as i know playtime is the only 1, there could possible be 1 at parramatta or chatswood cause i hear they got pretty big arcdes there, but 1 thing is certian, UNSW should be getting for semester 1 next year, yay! Posted by Unreallystic on 11:21:2001 11:47 PM: <~~~again thanx Cliffdog I finally have the game and have been able to really play it. Currently I have become a K groove and P groove b!tch. But I have run into a serious best character Iori just doesn't work as well in these grooves (1), building super is a beotch (2) any suggestions on that. Also can anyone explain Tactical Recovery and counter movement to me? I need to read the stuff they have up on the site, but if it isn't there can someone be kind enough to lend knowledge on that subject. I see the differnces in JDing and parrying now...I need to get good at parrying though...I still jump and hold back thinking I can block (C groove). I have heard a lot of talk about hibiki, but have been unable to 'find' what is so dangerous about her. I can combo her super after her little sword carrier thingy poke, but that move is hard to connect as well. Can someone explain what is so nice about her please? I am hungry, got to get food. Thanx ahead of time... Posted by jmx_tha_chattin_cable on 11:25:2001 01:32 AM: yeah fuckin right Man you all suck. I got the most skill in this fuckin room. This room is a bunch of bitches whinnin about wettin they panties. Terry , Joe, Todo with a level 2 Joe is the only team I need to whoop any of ya'll asses. And if I'm feelin cheep I'll use harusimo ratio 4 with rage meter to watch you sufer as you live bleeds away. I'll holla back motha fuckas.J-M-X Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:25:2001 01:38 AM: if you're not going to contribute to the thread, leave. randomly bashing people just because they picked up the game is a waste so just get off. you prove nothing by saying that everyone else sucks and that you are god, show it in tourney rankings and shut up. peace -GW Posted by extraguy on 11:25:2001 03:26 AM: can someone tell me which team is better: ryu r2/yuri r1/kyo r1 kyo r1/kim r1/ryu r2 thanks Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 11:25:2001 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by extraguy can someone tell me which team is better: ryu r2/yuri r1/kyo r1 kyo r1/kim r1/ryu r2 thanks's all your opinion and who you are better at using, not what everyone else thinks. My opinion is that the second team is better b/c imo kyo is better than yuri, but it all just depends on who you are better with. Posted by CliffDog on 11:26:2001 05:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Unreallystic <~~~again thanx Cliffdog I finally have the game and have been able to really play it. Currently I have become a K groove and P groove b!tch. But I have run into a serious best character Iori just doesn't work as well in these grooves (1), building super is a beotch (2) any suggestions on that. Also can anyone explain Tactical Recovery and counter movement to me? I need to read the stuff they have up on the site, but if it isn't there can someone be kind enough to lend knowledge on that subject. I see the differnces in JDing and parrying now...I need to get good at parrying though...I still jump and hold back thinking I can block (C groove). I have heard a lot of talk about hibiki, but have been unable to 'find' what is so dangerous about her. I can combo her super after her little sword carrier thingy poke, but that move is hard to connect as well. Can someone explain what is so nice about her please? I am hungry, got to get food. Thanx ahead of time... Cliffdog here again! It seems like no one else really comse here to actually answer questions... Anyways, for Iori, if you like to use supers, then K and P are NOT the way to go...I mean, you get the JD/parry, but, that's gonna be at the cost of lots of supers...N or C are much better if you wanna do lots of supers. P especially sucks...K you can build supers by JDing and, if you get hit, you get LOTS of meter...of course that requiers getting hit though. Tactical recovery is, if after you get knocked down, you hold all three punches, your chafracter will wait a split second longer before getting up (there will be little shadow trail too)...this is very useful against people who use powerful meaty attacks. Coutner movement, available only in N groove, lets you roll immediately after blocking something by pushing takes a stock but it lets you roll through supers and stuff, then kick their ass as their super finishes. You can oparry OR JD in the air too...and you can JD/Parry ANYTHING (I think), not just the things you can air block in C groove. For a whiel Hibiki was getting loads of attention because her clk clp qcf+mp combo was so effective, plus she had such gerat pokes (, and a GREAT anti air (s.hp). Well, talk for her has subsided because now it seems like almost anyone can kick her ass after the qcf+mp EVEN IF IT HITS, makign the move useless...meaning Hibiki can't do jack if she doesn't have super to substitute for her, basically, Hibiki can kick ass if you opponent doesn't know how to punish the qcf+mp, but if s/he does, then forget it, she can poke all seh wants but she can't do any real DAMAGE unless she gets in close and does her qcb+p, qcf+fierce combo which you rarely get a chance to do, or she has meter. She's not that bad even if you can punish her qcf+p, but she's lost a LOT of her edge. Posted by Mister Geese on 11:27:2001 02:11 AM: Whenever I use Hibiki, I try my damnedest to give the opponent about a half-second to try whatever he/she wants. Then, I put the pressure on, leaping/rolling after a qcf+medium slice to start my assault. She's a pressure god, as long as you stay low. If you constantly hit blocks, it's a simple roll->throw to mix it all up. I even chance (I'll do this with Haoh too) a single standing medium punch as I'm walking up, to throw the opponent off. Once you're crouched in close, it's near impossible for the opponent to get you out of there, even with a grab character. Just keep poking; wait for a hit to connect. Once you see them take real damage, you're close enough for a super to connect almost instantly. If they jump up, punish with a c. fierce punch. Roll? You're only poking, it's easy to react and throw them out of it. If you don't have a super ready and you do see them take damage, poke until you're out of poke range, and stand for a slightly delayed qcf+medium punch. If anyone could give me the combinations for her trio of insane third level supers, I'd be much obliged (I already know the motions for her single slice ones, I'm talking about the Deadly Rave-ish ones). But anyway, to my real question. JOE! He brings a tear to my eye, reminding me of the old SFA3 days with Adon. His rising jag... uh... dp+k move has incredible priority, and I've even used it to snuff a Kim air super (Phoenix Flattener?). It's also great to land after a connected fierce punch or roundhouse kick and go straight into his multi-punch special move (Not the super, although that's also effective, this one works and doesn't require you to use any meter). If only we could replace that cross screen kick with Adon's from-the-upper-left-or-right-hand-corner-I-kill-you-until-you-die-from-it-priority cross-screen kick... Anyway, I always charge up to use my favorite super, the huge-ass tornado (Well, okay, that's not the real name, but that's what I call it). The anti-air priority for that super is ungodly, and it's perfect for catching rolls right in the act. Anybody got the bread and butter for everyone's favorite substitute Adon? Posted by Unreallystic on 11:27:2001 05:18 AM: I have some B&B comboes, but I will posty them when I have more time online. I have actually picked up Kyo and am liking him my two teams are Yuri (1), Blanka (1), sagat (2) - P Groove Kyo (2), Iori (2) - P groove I suck at P groove and I want to move to N groove, but it lacks parrying which I have worked so hard at to be a little bit below average...I am finally consistently parrying supers...but I can't do it on command...only if I can predict it...and I syill can' parry low...down just doesn't feel right. N groove has the counter movement right? I read something somewhere in a thread that Iori with a 3 frames of vulnerablitiy can just counter roll almost any super and land a level 3 Maiden smasher. That sounds real tempting...but all my practice time has been with P and K groove. Do you think both of my current teams would be better off N groove? Or should I spice it up with variety? Speaking of which, with do I setup landing a super? I thought I could do it off the 236 lk lk special move, but they don't bounce. I also was curious if it was possible to connect his: 236 fp, 63214 fp into a 236236 fp combo. I have been kinda learning on the fly and have been abusing his d/f fk with random wake ups on it. It seems to help guard crushing extremely well. Is Kyo's 214 kick of any use? It looks nice, but never seems to really work. Thanx CliffDog and I will post some B&B combos with Joe next time I get on Posted by bbbenson on 11:28:2001 12:16 AM: On the contrary, I think P groove compliments certain charge characters very well. I know that for at least my Guile and Balrog(Claw) characters, both of whom have fairly strong basic moves, it compliments them really well. With regards to Guile, you needn't always be charged to be a strong offensive character, as your twd. strong and c. strong are great as sobat'em-to-death and annoy-any-player-to-hell as long as you don't abuse it like newb style blankaballs. The s Rhouse is also a great move as it pushes you forward while you can still keep your sonib boom charge and snuffs out a lotta shit. His somersault kick as anti-air can be air blocked by C groovers, however, Guile has many more options available to him seeing as he's in P groove: 1) Crouching fierce will snuff out my attacks. Some people with massively long limbs will win out to him however such as Sagat's jumping Rhouse, Blanka's Rhouse, Chang's Fierce. In that case, do 2 or 3 2) Parry the stupid ass jumpin and throw/twd. strong/c. strong the jumper-inner. Depending on the height of the player and when u parried, you should mix things up just in case your opponent can land and throw/dp if his jumpin was very deep. In most cases if he wasn't deep i'd opt for the C Fierce, and if he was i'd immediately throw most of the time but mix it up with c. strong and twd. strong as stated before. 3) Jump up towards the attacker and parry then throw. Harder to do than parrying a jumpin as it requires good timing and you need to anticipate their jump but then again if you can do this it'll be a big plus for you as it stops them from ccing you or whatever if you're just doing the C. fierce or parry then C. fierce every time they jump in. Enough said on his anti airs and offense. Now if someone keeps on dping you outta those strongs or rhouse's that you follow after your sonic booms (you shouldn't be doing these too damn predictably either) then you should just obviously walk up and NOT do anything so you get a little window of punishment for their missed dp. Yes it's all very hyper fighting style but then again guile hasn't changed much since hyper fighting and he's still one of the greatest characters. Oh yeah, a note on the missed sonic boom, if your opponent jumps in PRE-anticipation to your sonic boom and you're left in recovery, there's a possibility that all is not lost as you can parry before you can block and have a chance of not undoing all that hard sobat work you've been doing all day. What i mean to say is that in the last frames of your recovery for your sonic boom, you can parry something whereas it would not be possible to block. Other characters have this abililty to, like Blanka (ugh) and his blanka ball. I'm not sure who else has this sorta ability but i couldn't be bothered to try it out as i don't have a dreamcast, and the friends who DO have dreamcasts have horrible dreamcast pads instead of those great american MAS sticks. And last note, if you can't parry for shit, well then you'll have a buggery of a time trying to in cvs2, it's heaps harder than third strike and the benefits of it are a lot less, as there's a much smaller window of opportunity to punish than in 3s. Then again if you're decent at p groove you can parry turtlers who have long ass range pokes, ie balrog(claw), sakura, bison(boxer), as they'll most likely just block and poke as soon as you're in range. Anyways i'm sure you guys get the idea and probably disagree. If anyone else has any comments on the pros of pgroove please discuss here as i dunno many people who use it at all! Posted by Ryo Hazuki on 11:28:2001 12:53 AM: um, how do you SAFELY initiate the A groove CC bar? without getting hit right away? Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 11:28:2001 02:59 AM: cvs 2 are there any combos with hibiki besides lk lk lk qcf p that dont get her in trouble Posted by Mister Geese on 11:28:2001 06:54 AM: Re: cvs 2 quote: Originally posted by EvilRyu10585 are there any combos with hibiki besides lk lk lk qcf p that dont get her in trouble Unfortunately, she's a poke character through and through; besides that b&b combo the only other one she's got involves the level three run and slash super... [ c.lp qcb+p qcb->hcf+fierce] ...and again, that never leaves the ground. Combo wise, she's predictable as... uh... Christians on Thanksgiving. Quick little damage combos include simply slashing once with a standing medium punch, then qcf+p. Standing MP is really great for snuffing, just like Standing Fierce is awsm anti-air. Posted by oni.M on 11:28:2001 07:38 AM: quote: Speaking of which, with do I setup landing a super? I thought I could do it off the 236 lk lk special move, but they don't bounce. Hm. i think u can land the 236, mk mk, pause, do the 2141236 level 3 *the one where he flames up* and hold on. once the guy lands on u he'll pop up and a brief moment after you let go of the Punch and charge into the corner. no real timing required as it does the same damage if you wait until he just gets hit by the tip of ur hand as opposed to on top of you. i know 100% that it works in the corner. not sure about any other level super because i'm a P groover. As for P groove. -_- bbbenson had some cool ideas.. although they're not practical i guess they would work if you had the time to practice that stuff -_- *air throwing a jumpin? =[ kinda risky there* technique: i hold back most of the time, only tapping forward whenever i believe i can parry, then quickly holding back again, unless i'm parrying multiple hits. i do this for this reason: - it's safer. especially when you're warming up, your character will stay in block stance if you hold back too long and block instead of parry. also if u parry too early, you will block the attack. once you get your rhythm going it's ezier to parry and you might screw holding back all together. but in the beginning of the round i hold back a lot. as it also helps me landscape my opponents choice of offense, also helping me parry. JUMPINS: i've been playing for a while, and i can consistently parry most/all jumpins.. just know that all characters can only hit u at a certain height in order to link a jumpin attack to a ground combo. with that knowledge, that limits the areas that you have 2 parry in, usually it's only in 2 areas. - slightly higher, usually done by impatient players or just bad timing. e.g. blanka spamming his j.HK but it doesn't necessarily chain into his c.MK in this situation, if you miss parrying his j.HK there is the possibility that you recover before him *just using blanka as an example*, capitalize on this and super his ass or combo. preferably a combo that starts with a jab or any move that comes out relatively quickly. same goes for supers - another situation is when they do jump in deep, make sure you don't miss this parry, if u do den ur eating a combo. usually it's where the opponent can reach you around your waist area using their jumpin normal of choice. only solution for this is to play enough to know the area on ur character that will enable your opponents to combo into when jumping in.. only experience can solve this one. when choosing attacks coming out of a parry, try to find moves that begin with the parry motion as this will save time and increase chances of success SUPERS: not much practicality in parrying a whole super.. u don't really gain much except increased risk, if u fuckup one hit you take all the damage.. opposed to just getting ur guard meter worn down. so block'm unless you know u can parry through it.... or do as i prefer to. parry the first hit and block the rest as sometimes u don't have enough time to block, and parrying does seem to come out faster, it'll give u more time to block LOW HITS: block them unless you expect them, don't try to guess low hits, b/c the chance of you missing and getting knocked down can lose the match for u. parry the low hits in a B&B as you probably know when the low hit will come, and then capitalize on the open spot you've created yourself. from playing a lot, i've found that using P groove, 3-4 parry's every match will pretty much end it for ur opponent if done at the right time. so don't go trying to parry everything. just keep your guard meter in mind and stop blocking if the damn thing starts wearing down DEFENSE: parrying defensively is hard, unless you have a strong poking character: e.g. Hibiki,yamazaki then you can zone and wait for them to jump in and expect what they can do. OFFENSE: given any situation it's harder to guess what an opponent will do instead of forcing them to respond to your offense a certain way, at which point you can parry the forced action. e.g. anti airs from jumping in, fairly easy to parry if you know ur opponent's character well. DP's, after getting knocked outta the air by 1-2 you should be able to judge where your opponent dragon punches you, keep this in mind and parry the next time you fall into his DP zone. e.g. if you constantly rush, you will see how they retaliate, the next time you rush you will expect this and you can parry and voila! they're open for your punishment of choice. -------------------------------------------------------------------- All in all, parrying is powerful only if it opens up combo/super opportunities. parrying for no reason other than parrying negates any plausible usefulness. parrying fireballs in the corner is, in my opinion, useless unless you're gaining ground after each parried fireball. -put parry motions into your normals and your pokes, doesn't always work, but sometimes it does, and that's all you need to save ur ass. e.g. tap forward before tapping MP with hibiki Make absolutely sure that you are not holding onto the parry motion after you parry, once u parry immediately pop it into neutral or whatever move ur going into. holding on shrinks the window that allows you to retaliate.. as if it wasn't small enough already. hope this helps someone. i'm pretty vague from the looks of it, but if anyone wants my elaboration of any of the above or any other P groove stuff, toss it up, mbe i'll have an answer/solution/suggestion kew? hope this helps and doesn't just sound like a pile of BS oh and my lineup right now is Mai 1pt Hibiki 1pt Yamazaki 2pt * Mai's just in there for variety -_- i usually put anyone good in P groove up there. Mai is good in P groove kuz she recovers hella fast from her moves. giving you a chance to parry any type of counters if you snuff or whiff a move * bubbye Posted by PWil31175 on 11:28:2001 02:51 PM: Just testing my sig... Posted by Post Man on 11:28:2001 06:59 PM: Just a comment of parry grove. I agree with what Oni.m posted but I also see it as a guard smashing tool. I think of it tis way. If you parry somthing, your offence is still there, even if they block, you still have an initiative. Parry with the appropriate option selects may suit a well versed (knowledgable) pit bull player. Thats my two cents Posted by japanegro on 11:28:2001 07:13 PM: can somebody give me help with dhalsim Posted by DeviltheEmperor on 11:29:2001 06:37 AM: Could I have some help with my new team...Maki and Athena C groove for now. Im very new to these two nething would be nice from bb combos to wtf is the command for makis throw super..thanx in advance. Posted by RJR on 11:29:2001 07:04 AM: Are you playing this game in arcade or Dreamcast/PS2? If you're playing at hm system, all the moves are there. Go to training mode and press start, from there you can accss the command menu. Check it out. If you don't have the DC or PS2. The super grab of maki is 720 + punch. Posted by Wake on 11:29:2001 11:22 PM: Raiden/Chang pro strats/b&b/tips. anything, about them. tks in advace. Posted by CliffDog on 11:30:2001 10:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Wake Raiden/Chang pro strats/b&b/tips. anything, about them. tks in advace. japanegro, deviltheemperor... use the search button above! I coudl tell you a few random things but you'll find SO MUCH good stuff just by hitting that button and typing in what you're looking for... people need to start using that button instead of asking how to use characters all the time when it's been asked so many times me, the search button will get you everything you want, and, whatever it doesn't get you, most people prolly don't know. Posted by Rollin772 on 12:01:2001 07:06 PM: Ok, here's a real newbie question. I've read the first few pages so if I'm repeating a question sorry. I've just recently started playing fighting games again with MvC2, the last fighting game that I played consistently was WAAAY back with SF2 turbo champion edition, right at the beginning. So I missed Cvs, and SF alpha and all that other stuff. But I am decent at MvC2 and know basic moves. Who would you say is a good basic team with a basic groove. That I can use till I get more comfotable with my skill's and branch out into other characters and grooves? Posted by jmx_tha_chattin_cable on 12:02:2001 02:20 AM: All these idots and Non gamers in here I hope you all read the "scrubs" ediotoral in this wedsite because alot of you are that and the J man is gonna start naming out named. nash? Gulie + no talent basatrds who flash kick and cheap ass sonic boom they way to victory. I find more excitment watchin paint dry motha fucka...... Posted by jmx_tha_chattin_cable on 12:02:2001 02:22 AM: rollin772 is gay Talk about weak ass name. I bet your skills go along with your roll your way out the arcade after 50 cents... Posted by Gouki-Worshiper on 12:03:2001 12:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by CliffDog japanegro, deviltheemperor... use the search button above! I coudl tell you a few random things but you'll find SO MUCH good stuff just by hitting that button and typing in what you're looking for... people need to start using that button instead of asking how to use characters all the time when it's been asked so many times me, the search button will get you everything you want, and, whatever it doesn't get you, most people prolly don't know. i agree, basic questions like B&B and such that are char specific would be better answered by going to a char specific thread that will not only answer your one question, but will most likely answer most any question that will arise about that char. the whole reason that Inkblot created this thread was to avoid all of the good information being caught up in a 20 page thread. basic Q&A stuff, team and groove advice, strats are all fine. but stuff that would be better answered in a char specific thread should be kept there. if you can't find what you're looking for feel free to ask, but for other things please do a little research first. p34z -GW Posted by Mister Geese on 12:03:2001 04:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rollin772 Ok, here's a real newbie question. I've read the first few pages so if I'm repeating a question sorry. I've just recently started playing fighting games again with MvC2, the last fighting game that I played consistently was WAAAY back with SF2 turbo champion edition, right at the beginning. So I missed Cvs, and SF alpha and all that other stuff. But I am decent at MvC2 and know basic moves. Who would you say is a good basic team with a basic groove. That I can use till I get more comfotable with my skill's and branch out into other characters and grooves? Here's what you do: See that Random option on the selection screen? pick three random characters. Then, pick your ratio two by whoever looks the coolest. You're ready to play! If you're new to a game, that's always the best way to have fun. Posted by dkerbs on 12:05:2001 04:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by CamelJockey I tend to agree what the hell is in your signature? anyways i have a few qustions. i like ryo yuri and ken. what groove should i use. i hate sagat, what is the anti sagat? i heard someone said chang was the anti shoto. what are vegas strenghths in this game and what goove is he good with? thanks in advance. Posted by lv10000 on 12:06:2001 06:25 AM: read the tao... Posted by mindtricks on 12:07:2001 04:30 AM: i have a few little questions... -What is the best follow up Athena's command throw besides Psycho Sword? -Athena BnB or blocked chain? -Generally, how does Athena fare against big rain pokers such as Sagat? -Is Yamazaki's bnb/blocked chain, sand kick, serpent slash? -Other than a Serpent slash or s.rh, what are Yama's best pokes? Posted by RJR on 12:07:2001 08:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by mindtricks i have a few little questions... -What is the best follow up Athena's command throw besides Psycho Sword? -Athena BnB or blocked chain? -Generally, how does Athena fare against big rain pokers such as Sagat? -Is Yamazaki's bnb/blocked chain, sand kick, serpent slash? -Other than a Serpent slash or s.rh, what are Yama's best pokes? BTW, it is Psycho Ball, or sword. hehe.. Athena's 3 best moves against any characters are 1) c.hp, 2) c.hp & 3) c.hp. I don't see any other moves worth mentioning. Oh, if you consider the is a gd move.... Posted by khufu on 12:09:2001 04:14 PM: Can someone gimme the good/bad/ugly on my team? Gimme some things I might change or do or blah to improve? I just started playing CvS2 and its confusing Rock(3) Kyo(1) C Groove Posted by Redcoldfire on 12:09:2001 10:08 PM: What do you think about bison the german guy? I dominate with bison and rock with bison as level 3 over at stockton golfland. Posted by Redcoldfire on 12:09:2001 10:13 PM: What do you think about bison the german guy? I use rock and level 3 bison over at stockton golfland. Posted by MadjaYcD on 12:11:2001 01:30 AM: Anyone know about link combos? Like linking strong attacks to strong attacks or fierce to fierce? I know a few characters that have it, like ryu,'s c.fierce, s.fierce xx tiger cannon...but the timing of it I can't get 100% and I sometimes miss. Does anyone know any other characters that can link strong/fierce attacks to other regular attacks? Or all characters pretty much have this? Posted by Redcoldfire on 12:11:2001 02:03 AM: what do you think of bison the german guy. i use rock and level 3 bison over at stockton arcade so if you want to battle i'm there on the weekends. Posted by kane_warhead on 12:11:2001 03:45 PM: Can anyone help me with Yun? Posted by lowteerjoe on 12:12:2001 06:45 PM: Kim anyone no how to do that kim kick in the air repeatedly. Its been on all the vids and I want to know what am I suppose to do to catch the kick part into a special. Posted by toons on 12:14:2001 12:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dangerous J How do you combo into Kim's qcb+k. What is the sequence for Hibiki's deadly Rave(the ingame list only shows p or k . I can only get the first 2 or so hits, then it stops. How do you launch a character wi th Kyosuke to begin the air combo? Thanx 1) for ki, u can try this combo: cr.lp,,, qcb+k (try to use negative edge for the qcb+k to link) Ther is a little timing to get between the and 2)a)LP, MP,HP, LP, pause, MP, HP,LP, MP, qcf+HP b) LP, MP,HP, LP, pause, MP, HP, LK, MK, qcf+HK c) LP, MP,HP, LK, MK, LK, HK pause mean that u have to wait for about half a second before continuing the combo 3) Down-foward+HK then it's up to in the air Posted by SoLiDswindler on 12:15:2001 04:38 AM: I keep getting thrown, and I hate it, everytime I try to anticipate and do a tech hit, I either get thrown or I throw a punch. Any suggestions? P.S. I suck at the game. Posted by SoLiDswindler on 12:15:2001 04:40 AM: BTW: my current team is Kim1, Sagat1, Guile2 Posted by mindtricks on 12:15:2001 10:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by kane_warhead Can anyone help me with Yun? I can help with Yun. What do you need? Solidswindler>> Don't let them get in that close. You'll get thrown a couple times in a round so don't let it get to you. IMO, your Sagat or Guile shouldn't be getting thrown as often. Sagat should be poking away keeping the enemy just inside cr.fierce distance, always running or low-jumping (cancel his run with cr.fierce). Guile on the other hand should always be moving, almost locking down his opponent with jab sonic booms, and blocked chains. Guile should be the one doing the throwing. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:15:2001 04:44 PM: can anybody help with chang athena and joe in c groove Posted by mindtricks on 12:15:2001 08:02 PM: I use Athena more of than not. Basically her bnb is cr.shortx2->cr.fierce It's a difficult link, but definately worth it. cr.fierce has a lot of priority so ABUSE IT. I play Athena as mix-up character always covering myself with Jab Psycho Balls. After than I either go into a run with I then go into 1) cancel run into cr.fierce 2) sj cancel into d+fk 3) roll through opponent and throw/command throw (her roll is very good) 4) sj into Pheonix Arrow 5) teleport Now when you teleport, mix-up the distances. I teleport far usually, and when I feel like mixing it up, I teleport right in front of them while the opponent is backtracking to catch me and throw me out of it. If you catch them in a command throw, follow it up with Psycho Sword. j.rh is good for air-to-air as well. The only thing lacking in Athena is a solid anti-air. If you distance yourself correctly, you can catch opponents with a jab psycho ball. Other than that, I usually teleport away so I can reset my offense. s.rh is a good poke, as well as standing and crouching fierce. I use s.rh mostly since she goes over crouching limbs. Since I usually start my offense by throwing Psycho balls, the opponent might want to get into a fireball war, from there you can Psycho Reflect, or just teleport close. Anything else? Did I forget anything? Posted by kane_warhead on 12:16:2001 10:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by mindtricks I can help with Yun. What do you need? Solidswindler>> Don't let them get in that close. You'll get thrown a couple times in a round so don't let it get to you. IMO, your Sagat or Guile shouldn't be getting thrown as often. Sagat should be poking away keeping the enemy just inside cr.fierce distance, always running or low-jumping (cancel his run with cr.fierce). Guile on the other hand should always be moving, almost locking down his opponent with jab sonic booms, and blocked chains. Guile should be the one doing the throwing. My Yun is like the weak link of my team. Whenever I use Yun, he always seem to die before he could kill the enemy. Do you have any strategy against Rugal? Posted by khufu on 12:16:2001 01:39 PM: Does anyone have any Hibiki combos or strategies? Posted by redwiz on 12:17:2001 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by khufu Does anyone have any Hibiki combos or strategies? Posted by mindtricks on 12:17:2001 11:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by kane_warhead My Yun is like the weak link of my team. Whenever I use Yun, he always seem to die before he could kill the enemy. Do you have any strategy against Rugal? I'm going to go ahead and say Yun is at a disadvantage when fighting against Rugal. All he has on Rugal is his speed and fairly good roll. Other than that, Rugal outclasses him in terms of reach, priority and power. Rugal can play a mean keepaway game against Yun, because typically, Yun has no way of getting near Rugal. Dive Kick's can be punished with Genocide Cutters, when used as a meaty or use to try to get into close. Rugal also has ground projectiles to keep Yun from using his DP+P. If fought on equal ratio's, Yun is also at disadvantage in terms of vitality. Rugal can bait Yun fairly easily or keep it outside poking range, and punish roll's with a godpress. But you want strats on how to win, now how much Yun needs to fight an uphill battle. Don't get into a poking match with Rugal. Definately avoid trading hits with him as well. Try to bait Rugal into throwing out cr.fierce or something laggy so that you can roll in or punish him with a qcf+p. Otherwise, Rugal's game isn't too difficult to figure out, so if your Yun is in P or K groove, he should be an easy target. Posted by noswad on 12:17:2001 06:56 PM: mindtricks: You're stuffing the dive kick with genocide cutters? What strength do you use? I always get stuffed.. Do you mean to do it early? Why can't Yun use his dash punch to close the gap? I didn't think Rugal could hit him afterwards if spaced properly. It also goes over low projectiles. Posted by rob1out on 12:19:2001 10:15 AM: does hibiki or joe have a crossup? and my team is currently hibiki(2)/joe(2) should i change it up? add a new charachter? my joe is a lot better than my hibiki. should i put him first? oh yeah i use n-groove Posted by Mummy-B on 12:19:2001 02:58 PM: Hibiki's cross up is, but it hits kinda funny so you have to get used to it. If you're better with Joe, put him last - you don't want to lose your best character at the beginning of the match. You can use Hibiki as a battery and to see how your opponent plays, so by the time you start with Joe, you're more prepared for him with your stronger character. If you're going to change characters, you need a basis on what characters you know, or ones you're willing to learn before anyone can make a comment on that. Otherwise, change your team to R1 Joe/R1 Blanka/R2 Sagat Posted by Tuff Daddy on 12:21:2001 03:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dr. Shinobi Does anybody play King? I've got her strategies down really well, and she would be my best character, but I can't come up with a reliable B&B combo. Currently I do c.forward, qcb.P(forget which; I think Fierce), corner dp.roundhouse, which works OK, but it's hard to do on reaction (blocked Mirage Kick is very, very no). Is there a link for the c.forward? There's always competition at the arcade, so I can't try this on the AI or anything. Team Muay Thai (King, R2 Joe, Sagat) owns, BTW I play King. B&B j.roundhouse, c.forward, qcb+p If you connect the B&B in the corner using A King it sets up a CC. B&B, (activate), c.fierce x2, rdp+forward, s.roundhouse, rdp+forward, Silent Flash. Over 7000 damage IIRC. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:25:2001 03:30 AM: can anybody help with n groove ryu nakoruru and yamazaki Posted by Dc1 on 12:25:2001 04:23 PM: okey i'm pretty new to cvs2 (been playing mvc2 ) so i'm not that good in the game so anyway my first team in this game is rugal-r1/yamazaki-r1/sagat-r2 now the dilema i have now is which groove to put the team in (right now i'm deciding between c groove and n groove) , anybody have any suggestion on which groove to put them in ? also any strategies for those people would be sppreciated too Posted by THE CHOSEN ONE on 12:26:2001 08:36 AM: yeah if you want victories use blanka/sagat/ken in k-groove its the most completed groove Posted by Rugal 3:16 on 12:27:2001 07:02 AM: Here's some help wanted.. There's a guy who uses Geese and Sagat in a certain area and I haven't fought him yet but I see that he's good.. I use Rugal and Bison/Yamazaki (there's always a Rugal) can you guys tell me whom to pit better against Rugal (Does he do better with Geese as an opponent or does he do better with Sagat as an opponent BOTH in high levels) since I'm failry more confident AT THE MOMENT with Yamazaki and Bison no matter whom they face. Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 12:29:2001 08:16 AM: well i'm starting to play cvs2 and i notice it's a whole different setup to the first one.. just wanted to know.. who are some top tier characters.. like who does john choi,nelson, and all them use?? what's the best groove.. i know this is more of an opinion question, but what is far more superior than others.. what teams should i watch out for... and my final question, what are some destructive combos that can be pulled off.. the videos on aren't working.. anyone have another site?? thanks for the help.. Posted by Showtime on 01:02:2002 07:53 AM: When you see those combo videos made by zeroblue and jchen etc etc they always seem to cancel rather quickly, yet in the arcades I can never do this, explanation please? Posted by Decline on 01:03:2002 02:29 AM: no shoto I am just woundering how come ken and ryu aren't used much. My team would be ken,terry,guile,sagat in either the stock groove or the level three with level 2 cancles. Posted by WhiteScorpion on 01:04:2002 06:26 PM: wow! all this obvious useless info on such a crappy game . WOOOH! Let's all turtle, YAY!!!! Posted by WhiteScorpion on 01:04:2002 06:51 PM: ok...since I'm utterly bored, here's a question: What's your most damaging Raiden combo. Mine is j.down fp -- jp,jp,jp -- rdp j.p --rdp j.p -- Super Fire breathing. Posted by Shouta on 01:10:2002 04:38 PM: Rix: I'll give you my groove breakdown (my opinions of course). C groove: The basic Capcom groove, 3 levels ala SFZ and etc. It's probably the most well balanced groove in the game. With the super cancel in the game it helps the C groove keep up with the others. You just have to be a little inventive. =] A groove: Good old Custom combos, take everything about it from SFZ3 and add a roll. The only issues I have with it, is that you have to have a full bar to activate the CC instead of in SFZ3 where you could do it with a half bar. :P It is a nice addition to do Supers now though and adding a super at the end of a combo is a nice plus. P groove: Ugh, my most hated groove and probably the groove that most I know hate. It's not that its good but more that it got the shaft. Parries, while still can be a great asset, suffer from a change in timing and makes it a bit less effective than in SF3 (I think this is due to the amount of frames though). The Super meter isn't too bad and doesn't wind down like it's counterpart, K groove. It's definitely a groove that takes alot to learn and good potentially great but still gets left behind. N groove: the SNK counterpart for C groove, it's just as effective if not more. It charges slightly faster (at least I think so) than N groove and has one more storeable special (IIRC, it's 3 no?). While it doesn't have the airblock (it does have roll) you can do 2 lvl 3 specials on one full bar and that can really help. S groove: This was my favorite groove in CvS but it's effectiveness isn't as good anymore. It's pretty much exactly like it was in KoF. The dodge is nice and semi-useful for preventing cross-ups or jump-ins but IIRC the recover is slightly slower. The meter has to be charge to gain the ability to Super but if you get low on life you can abuse it all you want which is still dangerous especially for characters like yamazaki. :P K groove: My favorite groove and the SNK counterpart to P, it's the better of the two IMO and probably one of the stronger grooves out of the 6. While it doesn't have the movement options of the other grooves it doesn't have hop, run, and the almight Just Defense. =] It takes Samurai Showdown's Rage meter and combines it with MotW's JD. JDing in CvS2 is incredibly easy and makes it a huge asset (and it doesn't have the penalty if you miss because you're pressing back already ). You get a damage bonus when your rage meter is full and it's an automatic lvl 3 special. Only problem is that it goes down after it activates. :P If you have any questions on a specifc character I could help, I don't know much about who's Top-Tier really. Also, if you want something to know something more about the grooves just tell me what you want to know. Posted by Papa Smurf on 01:13:2002 03:26 AM: Re: All these idots and Non gamers in here quote: Originally posted by jmx_tha_chattin_cable I hope you all read the "scrubs" ediotoral in this wedsite because alot of you are that and the J man is gonna start naming out named. nash? Gulie + no talent basatrds who flash kick and cheap ass sonic boom they way to victory. I find more excitment watchin paint dry motha fucka...... You from the deck? Do you play at marketsquare? Shit I live in the decatur yo. What do you play? Posted by Cless*Alvein on 01:16:2002 03:15 PM: I just got CVS2 for christmas, and I still havent figured out any good combos. Does anyone know any good combos for RYu/Ken/Rock. Also, does anyone know what a good groove is for this team. I've been using C or N. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 01:17:2002 03:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cless*Alvein I just got CVS2 for christmas, and I still havent figured out any good combos. Does anyone know any good combos for RYu/Ken/Rock. Also, does anyone know what a good groove is for this team. I've been using C or N. you should choose n groove because of the run mp and fk...c groove is good if you want to dash and throw alot. SACRAMENTO players are the champs! Posted by bison812 on 01:29:2002 03:55 PM: Just a couple of questions 1 is gief worth learing in cvs2 and is guile just as good as his counterpart in cvs. Posted by Omilit on 01:29:2002 11:34 PM: Yes, i have a question about Iron man's infinitie....kidding. My question is, which characters go good with P-Groove? IYO, does cammy, or honda play well in that groove? thank you Posted by Deadly Ego on 02:03:2002 09:04 AM: Can you buffer Terry's sweep into his Power Gyser and will it connect? Posted by mindtricks on 02:10:2002 11:02 AM: My Blanka was fierce DP'ed out of a Level 2 Direct Lightning. WTF? Posted by Shortterm on 02:12:2002 08:50 PM: ! I just started playing Capcom vs. SNK on the imported version on Dreamcast . . . . and cancel moves on accident but I don't know how to on purpose! Can someone let me know how to cancel a move?? Thanks Posted by IMMagDoom on 02:15:2002 03:34 AM: need some help Sup just got into CVS2, it rocks. Currently my team is r1 Chun-Li, r2 Sakura, r1 Yuri. I am looking to trade out either Yuri or Sakura for Kim. Any opinions? I could also use some moves and general strats for using Kim. The last thing I would like to know is what does Yuris Saiha move do? Posted by Brahma on 02:18:2002 05:33 PM: I've been trying desperately to figure out a good team, groove and ratio-wise. My characters in their best played grooves are: S-Zangief(I'm Ok in N with him), C-Guile (getting alot better at S, my N is OK), N-Yamazaki, Raiden(C,N,S), S-Blanka, Terry. I like to use a r2 Zangief or higher in S-groove as my clean up, and I usually stick a r1 Guile, r1 Terry with him, or else a r2 Raiden or Blanka. Any suggestions here? Posted by ShinRyuX on 02:20:2002 12:58 AM: What happened to the thread that had retaliation lists against blocked Blanka roll? Does anyone have this? Posted by Nagata Lock II on 02:22:2002 03:00 PM: Blanka counters... quote: Originally posted by ShinRyuX What happened to the thread that had retaliation lists against blocked Blanka roll? Does anyone have this? I'd also appreciate that link. A lot of the players in my area are big on characters like Blanka/Bison/Honda and I'd like a way to make them pay. I already have moderate success (I use C-Groove R1 Hibiki, R1 Guile, R2 Kim) but every last bit helps. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 02:22:2002 08:53 PM: does anyone have any good c groove chang strats besides slide jump back fierce and call out choi antiair a lot Posted by KrazyJones on 03:05:2002 10:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by EvilRyu10585 does anyone have any good c groove chang strats besides slide jump back fierce and call out choi antiair a lot jah all u have to do is standing mp all day if they jump in on u just scream caddle they will die! Posted by The Dark Evil on 03:06:2002 09:03 PM: Me has a 2 questions: 1.Can you start up a after a throw?Ex.Ken rolling throw,activate CC,continue CC,will that work? 2.When CC activated,can you cancel out of EVERYTHING?More specifically,DPs?I'm asking because i never see anyone cancel a DP before.Ex.Shoryuken,during recovery frames cancel into hurricane kick. Posted by UCRollerblader on 03:07:2002 10:32 AM: Well I'm not sure if there is some CVS2 guru guy handling all the questions... But I'm going to assume that it's ok for me to handle some of them. quote: Originally posted by Cless*Alvein I just got CVS2 for christmas, and I still havent figured out any good combos. Does anyone know any good combos for RYu/Ken/Rock. Also, does anyone know what a good groove is for this team. I've been using C or N. Use N groove. You lose an air-block but it doesn't matter because you gain a run. With Ryu and Ken, a good deal of their rushdown consists or running in repeatedly and doing crouching strongs. With Rock, running allows you to do a lot of fake outs. Mix up his roundhouse rage run xx 360 throw, with his run into qcb jab, and his run into roll. With rock, a good basic jump in combo is, j.roundhouse, s. fierce xx qcb fierce. Ryu and Ken have a lot of basic combos like this but you can cross up the opponent with forward kick and combo low forwards into any special or supermove they have. quote: Originally posted by Omilit My question is, which characters go good with P-Groove? IYO, does cammy, or honda play well in that groove? thank you Ok, P-groove is borderline useless in this game unless you are really good at parrying moves. Don't bother trying to get good if you aren't already because it's something you just have to be born with. Honda doesn't really need p-groove to play. A deep jab headbutt is one of the best anti-airs in the game just like it always has been. Cammy doesn't need p-groove to be good because the opponents shouldn't even have the chance to attack you if you are playing her right. quote: Originally posted by Mindtricks My Blanka was fierce DP'ed out of a Level 2 Direct Lightning. WTF? Lvl.1 and Lvl.2 supers blow ass in this game unless you combo them in. As far as invincibility frames go, you get none or close to none. A DP has invincibility frames if done deep enough and thats why you got smacked. To whoever asked who top tier was... Play against a decent sagat or blanka and that should answer your question. Posted by gloss on 03:08:2002 10:10 AM: i just started playing cvs2 this week. im looking for characters that suit my playing style - a defensive character with power and is mobile. for those who play tekken, im looking for the equivalent of a TTT Bruce or Orgre. Tekken 4 Paul. used in N and A grooves. maybe P. any suggestions? also, if you know someone is about to throw you, how do you break out of it? Posted by UCRollerblader on 03:09:2002 12:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by gloss i just started playing cvs2 this week. im looking for characters that suit my playing style - a defensive character with power and is mobile. for those who play tekken, im looking for the equivalent of a TTT Bruce or Orgre. Tekken 4 Paul. used in N and A grooves. maybe P. any suggestions? also, if you know someone is about to throw you, how do you break out of it? Well shit, you're looking for a paul in cvs2, use Sagat. His low fierce is like a fuckin phoenix smasher, . No, but seriously, tekken and SF are completely different, it's impossible to keep the same play style consistent throughout. Just try people out and see who you like... Read message boards, they have a lot of good tips. Posted by gloss on 03:09:2002 10:28 AM: ive read over a lot of threads and so far im interested in learning yamazaki, geese, eagle, and iori. i dont need individual strats since i can look at other threads dedicated to each character but what is the general gameplay like? and is the cvs2 scene growing? the main reason i switched over from tekken is because competition is scarce. and its very boring. Posted by tsj76 on 03:13:2002 05:19 PM: CvS2 noob here. I've read most of the first half of the thread and skimmed the second half. I have a few questions. (Oh yeah, team: C-Groove Ken-R1, Geese Howard-R1, Akuma-R2) Lots of people tell me that Geese ought to be my R2 character, but since I was pretty much raised on Capcom I'm way more comfortable with Akuma. 1. I understand most of the launguage, but what is "DPing"? 2. Someone please explain how to effectively use small jump. I tried using it a first, on another groove, but I can't get the hang of exactly what it is supposed to do. But lots of people swear by it. On this note, what's the tactical difference between run and dash? 3. Given this team, any good custom combos? I'm debating about going to A-Groove. But I wasn't a good V-Ism player in A3. 4. What happened to SRK's CvS2 gamedata section? It was here when i first joined but it seems to be gone or moved now. **edit** Would anybody be interested in doing a CvS2 Q&A thread on another site? (Similar to this one) If you are p.m. me. Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 03:14:2002 04:13 AM: .. was wondering wat are some advantages and disadvantages in using a N groove Iori?? and wat combos can be done using in this groove?? would ken, vice, rock be good in using this groove? Posted by mix_m on 03:14:2002 07:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by tsj76 1. I understand most of the launguage, but what is "DPing"? Dragon Punch-ing. quote: 2. Someone please explain how to effectively use small jump. I tried using it a first, on another groove, but I can't get the hang of exactly what it is supposed to do. But lots of people swear by it. On this note, what's the tactical difference between run and dash? Small jumps are at a lower angle, so your opponent's anti-airs might be at the wrong angle to hit you. Also, you're in the air for less time. There's a landing animation, so it's harder to follow up a small jump for a combo. Dashs are a short advance, runs can keep on running. Usfulness of each depends on the character. Cammy has a good dash that'll let you hop over a opponent on the ground. Posted by mix_m on 03:14:2002 07:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by gloss ive read over a lot of threads and so far im interested in learning yamazaki, geese, eagle, and iori. i dont need individual strats since i can look at other threads dedicated to each character but what is the general gameplay like? and is the cvs2 scene growing? the main reason i switched over from tekken is because competition is scarce. and its very boring. Just play the game and find out if you like it. It's not crazy like the Versus series of games if that's what you're asking about. Yeah, T4 bites. Posted by mixup on 03:18:2002 08:11 AM: tekken 4 is tight, i just suck at it Who are the rushdown characters in cvs2? I can't seem to like the game no matter how hard i try, maybe playin as fast characters will help. Btw, p-groove rush characters?{i hate how slow p-groove is but i do like parrying, ANYTHING REMOTELY QUICK without a run will help} Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 03:18:2002 09:14 AM: .. mixup in cvs2 thread??? pretty hard to switch from mvc2 to this game man, for me this game is easier than mvc2, not much long combos like mvc2 or damn ahvb trapping you, fast characters?? umm iori is pretty fast, yun, im not sure bout rolento or chun li being fast, and ken, i guess can be considered fast, and vice? Posted by tool_028 on 03:19:2002 06:18 AM: i sincerely apologize if this has been asked before but . . . is there a 'trick' to doing geese's raging storm?? i know the motion back down half circle back forward down + P its too difficult for me! Posted by djhuka on 03:22:2002 12:04 AM: bigtime n00b here. i just got this game this week and i feel pretty comfortable with terry, yun, cammy, and a little bit with vega (claw). since the search feature doesnt work, what are good b&b combos for them, and once i feel comfortable enough to get out of c groove, what groove should i use with any combination of these characters? thanks in advance Posted by incube on 03:22:2002 05:23 AM: i'm a big n00b as well.. i've been playing with rock, kyosuke, and gouki.. what are some basic , b&b combos for these guys? what would be a groove for these three? who's top tier these days? thanks in advance Posted by nogic on 03:22:2002 08:33 AM: I'm not sure about Kyosuke, but I play a good deal of Gouki and Rock. Gouki's combos are real easy, just what you'd expect... try real basic stuff, like lp,, fireball or lp,, spin kick... you can string together up to three light attacks (punch or kick), standing or crouching, and still cancel into his fireball or spin kick. Rock is a little harder to combo with than Gouki. Try standing or crouching mp or mk, then either hard edge (elbow dash) or reppuken (ground fireball thing). You can use a fp into the hard edge, but I'm not sure about the reppuken. Another real simple combo with Rock is sweep, cancel to raging storm super combo. As for grooves, Gouki and Rock both work really well in C groove. They both have really great super combos, and C groove is the most versatile groove for super combos. For Rock you may look into the S, N, or K grooves as they have the running sub system... his rage run (qcb+k) moves have him run then do something, so you can really psyche out your opponent with that. Do one of the rage runs, then just run in and punch him, then do the fk rage run... you get the idea. There's tons of more info on these characters if you look elsewhere in the forums. --nogic Posted by incube on 03:23:2002 03:51 AM: what's the top tier list these days for cvs2? All times are GMT. The time now is 12:15 AM. Show all 245 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.